Robots seem to be all the rage right now, although I think they are a classic childhood bit of brilliancy. What kid hasn’t dreamed of owning a robot to do their chores and hang out with? Or as their best friend who can kick the bullies tushies! Two words–Iron Giant–amirite?
And it makes for a great party theme. Check out Autumn Kimball’s quite brilliant take on the robot party theme for her gorgeous identical quadruplets that she posted on her blog, The Kimball Herd.
Not only did she make these genius robot cakes, but the stands as well. Each kiddo got to pick his own flavor cake.  How wonderful!
She also involved her dear boys in making the party decor–they boys made the pom poms.
Autumn also drew these robot posters for the kids to paint. Lady, you are one talented mama!
Autumn shows that robots might be programmed the same way, but they are all individuals–just like her terrific “herd” or kiddos!
BTW, the cake stands are also available on her Etsy shop along with her terrific artwork including these AMAZING family portrait ornaments.
Identical QUADS? I’m exhausted with only one in the belly!
(Also: Robot cake!)
I know, right–and they are such little stunners too! But look at the mom!
OMG the caaaaakes! —
(recycled junk robot-making, robot hats, build-your-own-icing-&-candy-robot-cookies, pin the nose on the robot game…)
speechless! (both about QUADS and the party theme/cakes/decor). way to go momma!