Real Life :: Hawaii Ya Doing?

Friends, I can’t even tell you what an amazing trip we had! It was relaxing as can be….sadly it took me a good two days to get used to doing NOTHING! We swam and ate and lounged….a few sights were seen, but mostly it was fun in the sun. Wolfie LOVED it. He doesn’t know how to swim just yet but he was so happy and confident in the water. I ordered him the cutest little swim suits from two of my fave brands, Polarn O. Pyret and Mini Boden. They were kind of Euro style trunks that looked adorable online but In real life they were a leeeeetle bit smaller than I had envisioned. Think Daniel Craig as James Bond. I kept giggling— they were still SUPER cute but hilariously short compared to other kids in their ankle length board shorts. Wolfie loved them, struttin’ around the pool all confident and what not.

I have so many photos to share but for now, here is a little sampler of our trip! These photos were all shot on my iPhone with Instagram (i’m “galexina” if you care to follow! If you aren’t using it, it’s too much fun….Twitter meets Flickr!). MAHALO!

This is where Wolfie spent most of his time. The pool. There was a huge grown up pool and then this terrific kid’s pool with pebbly/sand bottom and a sweet slide, that was only 2 feet of water. It was so amazing for him to be able to play independently in the water. My eye was on him, of course, but I didn’t have to literally hold him or be next to him.

This is where I spent a good deal of my time:

With this:

Looking at this:

Greg eyeing the menu at breakfast:

Mmmmm pineapple pancakes! (in the batter for extra nom) Greg got banana macadamia nut, which were even better….

Hang Ten, Little Dude!

The World’s Largest Shave Ice!!!

The most picture perfect sunsets and warm balmy evenings…..

And one tired and happy kiddo.

16 thoughts on “Real Life :: Hawaii Ya Doing?

  1. YAY!!!!!!!!! so amazing to look through all these again! I said it before and I’ll say it again: SO DANG HAPPY FOR YOU GUYS and your week in beautiful Hawaii!!!!!!!! welcome back to the mainland, my sweet friend. so happy you had a great time. XOXOXO!

  2. I’m soo glad you finally got the Hawaiian vacation you were planning on taking in October. Hee hee! You look gorgeous and just so happy. You deserved every minute of relaxation to say the least!

  3. HAHAH we got a shaved ice yesterday an I was like WHAT . its hugeeeeeeeeeeee! I didnt know or I would have just got one but I got 2 (one for me and one for Christian). Im also very sunburned :(. Im pretty tan already and never sunburn…Looks like you had funand ur son is just way toooo adorable!

  4. oh… those are all beautiful. i really like the one of greg holding wolfie, and wolfie holding shaved ice, and wolfie all crashed out. i’m feeling way too emotional today.

  5. Hi there!! Just happened upon your blog and LOVE LOVE LOVE IT! 🙂 I just started one myself… …hopefully, I can make it as brilliant and wonderful as yours is! Now, question: WHERE IN HAWAII AND WHAT HOTEL??? I have a 3 year old and we want to take a trip there this summer… and that kids pool sounds PERFECT! Thanks!! Best- Evan 🙂

    1. We stayed at the Hyatt on maui. It was pricey but worth every penny! There are a bunch of other big hotels that head great pools too…I’m planning another update on the trip and i’ll give more details! It was a GREAT vacation with a kiddo!

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