Tag Archives: Iced Tea

My Favorite Summer Drink :: The Arnie Palmer!

When the temperatures soar, it’s important to stay hydrated. I try and drink a lot of water (and you know I love my bkr glass water bottle!) but I love to mix it up. And there’s nothing I like better than a yummy Arnold Palmer!

An Arnold Palmer is a zippy mix of ice tea and lemonade. The story goes that the drink was invented one warm summer evening in Palm Springs during the 1960s. Famous golf pro Arnold Palmer stepped up to the bar and asked the bartender to make him a mix of lemonade and iced tea. The woman sitting next to him overheard what he ordered and said, “Ooh, I’ll have that Palmer drink too.” From that moment on, this tasty lemonade-ice tea beverage became known as an “Arnold Palmer,” and its name eventually spread throughout the country.

It’s so easy to make. Literally ice tea (iced tea?) with lemonade. And it’s lemony and zesty and REFRESHING as all get out. I loooove it! To make one, fill a glass with ice….pour in your ice tea (I prefer 3/4 of the glass to be ice tea!) and then top off with your favorite lemonade. Homemade or otherwise. You can adjust the ratio to be more lemony or more of a tea taste. If you are lazy (as I am known to be from time to time) Trader Joe’s makes a great version called Organic Ice Tea Lemonade. Mmmm.

If you are feeling really ambitious, you can make your own homemade ice tea. I recently made my first batch of Sun Tea, where you use the natural and gentle heat of the sun to brew yerself a cuppa tea. It’s pretty easy peasy.

{The amount of tea bags depends on the size of the pitcher you use.}

How about you? What’s yer favorite poison? Have you tried an Arnold Palmer? You must!