Tag Archives: novice sewer

Dottie’s Kraft Korner—Attack of the Killer UFOs: Week One

Week One in my mission to knock out some projects that have been on my UFO To Do list and I’m quite chuffed at my success.  This week I attack:

9.) Make the Peach a few light-weight summer shirts—DONE.

When the mercury starts to climb our Peach turns into one sticky little lady. She needs tops made of lightweight cotton that cover her shoulders and allow for air circulation to go along with her capri pants that suit her slide-loving lifestyle. Just a couple of light fanciful tops as a nice alternative to t-shirts.

I found the perfect little pattern, Sophia at Burda.  Looked super simple right? Well, yes, I suppose it was, but I’m process seamstress who enjoys the whirring of the sewing machine and try to find little ways to make the piece extra pretty.  I also like to finish my seams with my beloved serger because the Peach can be tough on clothes.  This pattern was nice and easy and sweetly girlish without being an explosion of lace and ruffles. And a couple of nice techniques added–like simple gathering on the sides.

This was my first time using Burda and the instructions were pretty basic which isn’t an issue and I like the instant printable access of buying patterns online. Pretty much followed it to a t except I used a hook and eye in the back and also had to widen the collar quite a bit for my clearly big headed baby.

So I knocked out two pretty quickly and they were perfect for the warmer weather we are having. And really dress up the super simple Target capris that are turning into her summer staples. Along with her saltwater sandals. Why yes, I did base all of the fabric choices (pulled from my stash) on what would go with her shoes…

Stay tuned for next week’s UFO update.  Squee! Very excited!