Tag Archives: unusual Halloween costume ideas

Second Annual Rejected (yet totally AWESOME) Halloween Costume Ideas

Well, the eternal struggle to come up with a brilliant, quirky, showstopper of a Halloween costume continues. Last year, I came up with five unusual (but totally rad) costume ideas.  This year I had a few more ideas. My sweetie, Eric of course thinks they are all completely unsuitable for our little kiddo, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t rock them for your kiddo. So, I will share with you what I believe to be showstoppingly awesome costume ideas.

Here we go:

You are just some garish make-up, a curly mop top wig, and some crazy spandex away from being Honey Boo Boo, that little kapow of cuteness who is this year’s Snooki. Don’t worry, if you don’t go as her, one of your friends/work associates/neighbors will.


Mckayla Maroney is a gymnastic medalist and I can’t imagine how hard it must have been to dedicate years of her life to this beautiful sport only to have it all distilled down to one of the most hilarious memes of the summer. Oh that smirk! I really hope she got some amazing sponsorship deals… Clearly only an adult could do it justice.


Yeah, well, it’s easy for him. He’s Picasso! But you can be too with the help of a great striped shirt, some huraches and a bald wig. Bring along a little pad of paper, quickly doodle some pictures and give them away telling people to save for their child’s college fund. Because it has been so long since Jon Lovitz did that hilarious Saturday Night Live skit, that this will come off as fresh.


We should all go as this amazingly hilarious woman! A working mom who rocked it and had the funniest, self deprecating jokes ever! Like:

  • “My photographs don’t do me justice!  They look exactly like me!”
  • “Best way to get rid of kitchen odors—eat out!”
  • “Housework won’t kill you, but why take the chance??”

Bonus points if you find such fabulous boots.


For the up and coming goth kid!  If it was good enough for John Cusak, it’s good enough for you!  Raven optional.


This actually would be awesome as Halloween costume!  All you need red track suit and someone to follow you around with a tape recorder of THAT SOUND—you know the one…  And if you do it as a kid, you are guaranteed to get you a couple extra Reese’s peanut butter cups smuggled into your bag by the 40+ year old Dad wiping a tear away from his eye.


I know. Katniss is awesome. Girl archery power, etc. But c’mon you gotta love Effie—especially when played by one of my favorite comic actresses, Elizabeth Banks!  Who doesn’t love taffeta? And crazy make up? It is Halloween, right?

And there you have it. Expected or unexpected? Would you ever consider going as any of these little gems?? Any other ideas?





5 Halloween Costume Rejected Ideas (that are actually totally AWESOME!)

I love Halloween. Yes, the candy is dandy and the trick or treating is super fun. But for me it’s all about coming up with a brilliant Halloween costume idea.  And I have millions of ’em folks. MILLIONS! And yes, I might have had a couple of drinks before I came up with some of my best ideas! My sweetie Eric thinks all of them are completely insane and totally not appropriate for the Peach. Which is why she is going as a cowgirl this year. I know. I know.  So I will share my little Halloween gems with you!

Here are my top costume ideas. Enjoy!

(You’ve all seen the video right?)  This is the perfect costume, as you can tell all the little old ladies on your block that your kid is a skunk. All you need is a black hoodie from Champion, black leggings or sweatpants from Target, a fake snake, and some white felt that you hot glue to the top of the hoodie down the back and use to create a tail. You can follow your kid around and ask them to run backwards and every now and then yell, “Eeew! That’s DISGUSTING!” I’m telling you. It’s genius!

Who wouldn’t want to dress up as the coolest guy in the world. JUMPING OVER A FREAKING SHARK, FOLKS!  And it gives you, Mom a chance to dress up as Pinky Tuscadero–just like I always wanted to in fifth grade.  All you need is a kid-sized motorcycle jacket, some little shorts, and a plushie shark.  Generation X parents will totally sneak you an extra Reese’s peanut butter cup for this costume.

Image via: James Lewis

Because nothing says fun like Dickensian poverty! Right?  What else could a kid go as from Mary Poppins! And who doesn’t like a good cockney accent? Black pants, a little tweedy vest, newboy cap, and make a chimney sweeper using black pipe cleaners and yer done! A little black make up on the face and voila! Straight outta Mary Poppins.  Oh hey, they have that costume already in the U.K. Go figure!

Capture that sweet seventies tropical TV feel with dressing your kiddo up as Tattoo from Fantasy Island.  With a grand option of Dad going as Mr. Rourke.  All you need is that little white tux, and a very very small toupee.  And any kid can point to the sky and yell, “THE PLANE! THE PLANE!”

I’m so in love with this idea from Alix!  Really, it’s more of a question of how can you NOT dress your child as Little Edie?!  All you need is a vintage scarf from your closet, a wee fur coat, and a leotard from Target. Bonus points for having Daddy pretend to be Jerry, the garden boy!

There you go!  You’re welcome!  What’s your cutie going as for Halloween?