Weekly Kiddo :: Happy Birthday My Sweet Boy!

When people ask me what prompted Miss Dottie and I to start Modern Kiddo the answer is easy. It has always been about sharing all the best, colorful and fun parts of our childhood with our own kiddos. For me? That’s my Wolfie. I can’t tell you how happy it makes me to watch a movie that I loved with my little guy. Or share a book with him that was one of my favorites. When I took him to Disneyland the first time, I seriously got all verklempt THREE times watching his wide-eyed wonder. Seeing my world through his eyes has been such a joy!

And today my little bunny turns a grand SEVEN. It’s a sneaky milestone, because 5 and 6 have still seemed so young. But seven, somehow, seems older. One step out of little kiddo-land and inching that much closer to boyhood. I feel so blessed to have this sweet little guy in my life. This post is part blatant, bragadocious mommydom and also a little  bit of a response to those of you who have asked, “How DO you dress a little boy in cool clothes that aren’t sports or trucks related??”

Please indulge me as I show off the boy who is always Weekly Kiddo in our house! Think of this as a modern day version of one of those old timey wallets that unfurls to reveal a 100 photos. Presenting the little love of my life….and my own style inspiration…..the marvelous curly mop of WOLFGANG.

Wolfie loves to wear color. And despite a rocky start as a non-hat-wearin’ baby, he now loves ’em!

+ vintage Mickey Mouse sweater
+ Levi’s for Target slim jeans
+ Furry hat, NEXT
+ Yo Gabba Gabba, Vans

Vans are our top favorite shoe. They are comfy as can be and totally cute!

Despite what you might think, he doesn’t always wear vintage. We are big believers in mixin’ and matchin’. I want him to look cute, for sure, but I want him to be comfy and to look like, well, a modern kiddo!

+ Stripey Shirt, Polarn O. Pyret
+ Jeans, H&M
+ Sneaks, Vans

As the kiddo’s get older I think you have to let them explore with their own style. OK, who are we kidding…I still buy all his clothes, but I DO let him pick things out and try to gently “guide” him. (Fast forward ten years and I can just see Wolfie chatting with his buddies, “Dude, my mom totally MADE me wear these crazy 70s pants!!!” haha)

+ Fisherman in a bottle tee, Threadless
+ Vintage plaid pants
+ Skater sneaks, Vans

I love that Wolfie loves color. He has a pair of purple skinny jeans and told me that a few kids at school said they were girl’s pants. His response? “Um hello. I’m a boy. They are boy’s pants!” haha. I still felt a little badly and tried to casually ask if he still liked the pants. “Yeah! They’re awesome!” YAY! I love he has a confidence about him.

+ Argyle sweater vest, Small Paul
+ Colorful skinny jeans (a tad big!), Polarn O. Pyret
+ Yo Gabba Vans

Um, whaddup GQ?? haha. I asked him to pose for me and this is what I got:

This is actually his main favorite pose to do whenever I say, “Hey Wolfie! Smile!”

+ Faux Tie tee, Target
+ Levi’s jeans, Target

This is one of my favorite little outfits. He’s taken a liking to cardigans (which are perfect in our kooky San Fran weather. Starts out cool and brisk and ends up hot as the dickens!). He looks like such a little indie boy here. Even with the whistful emo pout….

+ Cardigan, American Apparel kids
+ Button down shirt, vintage
+ I HEART Pizza tee, Walmart (yes! Who knew? And it’s one of our faves…proof you can find cute stuff in all kinds of places. As a total aside, they had an “I Heart ROCK” tee too and while we were debating which to get he said, “Well mama, I like rock, but I LOOOOVE pizza!”)

+ Yeah yeah yeah….VANS.

We are all SO psyched for Tiki Oasis this Auguest. It’s becoming my birthday tradition! This little vintage shirt is gonna be perfecto for loungin poolside!

This past year we’ve really gotten into wearing snap front Western style shirts. Again, comfy + cute! This one was from my lovely friend Jenny at Frecklewonder!

OK. Everything so far has been stuff that he would choose for himself. This next one I can’t lie…I made him wear it. I found a black velveteen blazer on the sale rack at ZARA and thought it was super cute. Not his style but it was a bargain. Initially he was like “Um, what’s this?? No zippers?” but once he had it on he was totally digging it. He looks so mature, it’s killing me….

Awww, this is the face I see 99% of the time. Half grinning, half laughing. He’s a giggler!

Wolfie my love, you are a constant source of smiles in our household. I’m so proud of your kind heart and sense of joy. Your spazzy fun curls are already legendary in the ‘hood but what I’m most proud of is that you are also known for being a sweet, loving child with a crazy giggle!! Daddy & I love you to the moon and back and (as you would say) to the deepest black hole in outer space. You are our little super star, bunny. HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!

53 thoughts on “Weekly Kiddo :: Happy Birthday My Sweet Boy!

  1. I tried hard to figure out which was my fave pic but honestly, too hard to choose 1! Happy birthday to your lil dude, who looks like he’s a confident, happy and seriously rocks any outfit on him. Heartbreaker! Hope he has a terrific birthday time..


    i love this boy! wishing him the best day. HERE’S TO SEVEN. what a great year it will be.
    love and smooches from auntie freckle!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Oh, what a stunner he is! It makes me so happy to see how much you obviously love this kid and how much color and imagination you bring into his world. And that confidence! Oh, to have his confidence! You’re doing something right, mama. Happy birthday to Mr. Wolfie!

  4. Oh happy birthday, Wolfie. You are my favorite boy! And I can’t believe you now like to wear hats! You still have that sparkle in your eye, which I hope you never lose, dear boy! I hope seven will be as magical as six. I have a feeling it will be wonderful wonderful wonderful.

  5. Oh my good god Alix! Wolfie is such a handsome little man. Do you ever look at him and think ‘thank goodness my kid ended up so cute!”

    Or is that something us mama’s aren’t supposed to admit to thinking 😉

    1. Well, I think all mamas think their child is the cutest.
      But yes, sometimes I think, “Good lord my boy is the sweetest thing I’ve ever seeeeeeen!!!!” haha. thanks Miss Thursday! xox

  6. When I say he reminds me of a young Gary Richrath, Dottie will know what a compliment that is. You can see his confidence, even wearing that blazer he thinks is lame. Happy birthday, little man!

  7. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE CUTEST BOY! WOW! Where did the time go? Although I don’t know you all in the flesh, I feel like we DO! I absolutely love watching Wolfie grow before our eyes via LJ, FB and Blogging! Wolfie definitely has inspired Maximus to show his inner and outer coolness! Once again, Happy bIRTHDAY, Wolfie! xoxo

  8. Oh what a total charmer! I l adore Wolfie’s style & that he’s sweet to boot is just icing on the birthday cake. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Wolfie! What a handsome family you guys are!

  9. this post has ME all verklempt. so so true. what blessings they are and how much we have to learn from them. and those blue jeans? i need a pair immediately. (or a little boy to dress them in – shhhh don’t tell my husband!)

    happy birthday beautiful wolfie. may you always walk through this world with wonder in your eyes.

  10. He is such a doll! I adore his hair.
    That velveteen blazer slays me! It’s so grown up and your Wolfie rocks it.
    My almost 6-year old got purple pants last month! He wore them almost every other day for 2 weeks until I told him he’d wear them out too quick. Now, they’re his special pants for parties or the park. heh

  11. Thanks for posting photos of Wolfie – what a cool and handsome little dude and Happy Birthday to him! It’s so nice to see a “what he wore” style entry with boy fashions for a change! I am a boy mamma and I love to dress my boys up and it’s always nice to have some inspiration!

    Have a wonderful weekend!

    1. Aw i’m glad you like…I agree it’s fun to see groovy boy duds. There are so many amazing little girl’s out fits out there, I love seeing the little fellas!

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