widdle wednesday // for the girls

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Hello everyone, it’s Ashley here with another edition of Widdle Wednesdays. Last week I shared some fun picks for little dudes, so today I have something for the liddle ladies. I’m not a “pink pink pink” girlie, so the vibe I was going for was more modern sweetness. Take a look!

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SHOP IT OVER HERE: one + two + three + four + five + six

Well dudes and dudettes, unfortunately I’m going to have to sign off for a bit… I’m having back surgery in just a few weeks and expect to spend the better part of the next few months recovering. Please stop on over at The Stork & The Beanstalk to see what I’m up do, or follow me on instagram @thestorkandthebeanstalk—otherwise I’ll see y’all crazy cats in a bit. Wish me luck.

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Sweet Ashley, we want to wish you much luck and wishes for a speedy recovery!!! xoxoxo Alix & Dottie


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