photo: linzie hunter
Hello dear friends. I have sad some news….we are going dark for a few days. Yup. It’s true. Modern Kiddo will be offline for a little bit. But don’t fret! It won’t be for long (we hope…). The sad news is that we have been H@CKED. Some super annoying A-HOLE (pardon my french, but I’m just a weeeeee bit annoyed) has broken into our sweet little clubhouse and has messed the place up. Not sure why they think our beloved readers would be interested in Vi@gra spam, but there you go. In addition to being insanely annoying and futzing with our code, they have made it impossible for people to get Modern Kiddo on their RSS feeds/readers and all our links are going to crappy pill sites. Quel désastre…
We will be starting from scratch rebuilding the site (FUN!) but when we return we will be all spruced up and rarin’ to go with a bang! The site might look a little wonky in the mean time as we fiddle and tweak, so please bear with us!
photos: try-whistling-this
Until then, a special message to those nasty hackers from our sweet friend on the far right….MWUAH, ya bastards!
Image: eric sturdevant, via the magical Retro Kid Flickr group. Illustration by Aliki, from the 1962 book, My Hands.
We can’t wait to see you all again on the sunny side!!!
PS: Beloved sponsors! Miss Dottie will be reaching out to you….we will be extending your ad run due to this icky inconvenience!! xoxo
oh dear! i wondered why your loveliness hadn’t been making a sunny appearance in my reader. good luck and godspeed ladies! and come back soon!! *mwah*