Alix’s Closet :: Transitioning to Fall

Hi guys. You may have noticed I was a little quiet over here  this week. That’s because I spent the last week in Boston working on a freelance assignment at Arnold Worldwide (a big ol’ ad agency).  I have to say I had a total blast. I worked my tushie off (10-12 hour days and yes we were there both Saturday and Sunday prepping for a big meeting) but I was working with some really fine folks, including one of my old partners. It was great to see him and everyone was so welcoming. I had forgotten how pretty Boston was, all the old brick and ivy. I’d love to go back again, maybe bring the fellas with me. Speaking of, as much as traveling around can be fun I was def looking forward to coming home and seeing my guys—Greg, Wolfie and Sammy!  (Our new dog…more on him next week!)

We are in the throes of San Francisco Summer right now….we always have a much cooler summer than most folks, but come September, we get weather in the high 80s low 90s. I always like to say  that our San Francisco Summer has a flair for the dramatic and she simply likes to arrive fashionably late.

The thing about the Bay Area, though, is that one day it’ll be blazing hot….and literally the next day will be cool. You have to be flexible so I’m always wearing layers. And of course, lots of color! Here’s what I wore two Saturdays ago on one of those in-betweener days.

What I Wore:

+ Polka Dot Dress, thrifted.

+ Orangey red beaded cardigan, Target

+ Rhinestone bird necklace

+ Purple Suede vintage platform sandals, b-day present from my San Diego Tiki Oasis trip

+ Sequin vintage glitter kitty bag, bought years ago at the SF Vintage Fashion Expo

The Target sweater is one of my top favorites. It’s from their “Merona Collection” (which is a slightly trendier/cooler spin off of the Merona line). When you’re shopping at a bigger main stream store, my big tip is to look for unique colors or special little details that make it look like it’s something spendier. People always ask me if this cardigan is vintage and a few people have even asked if it’s Kate Spade!

This is how I wore my outfit on the weekend for a little brunchie outting. I looooove these shoes. My friend Denise spied them at a vintage shop and was going to get them, and then seeing how I was practically drooling over them, handed them over to me. Low platforms are a great way to sport a heel without bustin’ yer ankle. During the week if I was running errands or taking Wolfie to school I’d swap the shoes out with my black Converse or some cute flat sandals. Never underestimate the awesomeness of a good Chuck Taylor sneak!

What’s the weather like in your neck of the woods? I have to say i’m ready for tights, boots and snuggly scarves, but it’s still to warm here. Boston was pretty humid and hot as well! Have the temperatures dropped in your area yet?

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