Baby, You Can Drive My Car :: The Most Expensive Kiddo Car.

One of the first things the Peach does when she gets to her daycare is hop on this little riding car, and squeal, “Peach driving! Toot toot!”

So, with her birthday a couple of months a way, we began to discuss riding toys as a possible prezzie. There are some super cute ones out there.

Like these charmers. I love the silver one.

Oh, and this sweet lady bug.

But then, Eric came across this gem on one of his gentleman blogs:

How sweet is that? By designer, Nika Zupanc.

But is it $3,500 sweet?  Have fun with it, Suri…

17 thoughts on “Baby, You Can Drive My Car :: The Most Expensive Kiddo Car.

    1. HAHAHA!! That is exactly what I was thinking–what kid wouldn’t slide off that bad boy, right? But it is appallingly cute. Just wait–a year from now there will be some knock off available at Toys R Us. Just you wait!

      1. The plasma car will be the big wheel of the millenium!

        Jenny–do your kids like them? I was eyeing one of them as well for the Peach. It looks so nice and stable and not too fast. I have a total fear of the Peach racing off across the street at too fast a pace for me to grab her. But I like this plasma car idea…

  1. my kids have a radio flyer ‘retro rocket’ that is very well loved, especially other play mates who come over too. in our part of the world radio flyers seem exotic and are hard to come by. we treasure it!

  2. Great choices – we have the ladybug wheelie bug and I love it. Birdie doesn’t use it as much as I’d hoped. I think that’s because we, unfortunately, have a lot of carpeting (gag). So it doesn’t wheel so well 😉
    And no. I would not pay $3000, but I would look at the picture and drool alot!

  3. my milo has one of those ladybugs but so far he hasn’t sat on it a single time. he prefers to lie in front of it and talk to it whilst pulling on the springy eyes. it is very cute to look at even if it doesn’t get ridden!

  4. It seems like the ladybug rider is clearly the winner with Mari and Erin Lucy as well–so I think the birthday fairy might be bringing it for the Peach!

    Ladies, I can’t thank you enough!!!

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