Category Archives: Best of Alix

Real Life :: When Your Kiddo Hates Costumes.

It’s true. I’m a mama who love to dress up. Like this:

And like this:

As a result, Halloween has always been one of my favorite times of year. When I found out I was having a little boy, I was so excited about all the dress-up possibilities. I had visions of making him superhero capes…astronaut outfits…cool pirate getups. The works! Yet life clearly has a sense of humor, because I was blessed with the world’s most adorable child…who hated costumes. He’s an impossibly good natured boy— happily wearing any outfit I put on him. Except, of course, when that outfit might involve a character.

It all began with Wolfie’s strict NO HATS policy as a baby. Wait, no hats? What what? He’s a baby! How can he hate hats? Trust me.

When Wolfie was one, I bought a little prefab puppy dog outfit for Halloween. But because that seemed just a leetle bit boring on it’s own, I  made Greg dress up like a Westminster Dog Show handler—with Wolfie as his prize-winning pooch! Since Wolfie was still so little and liked to be carried around, they made an awesome pair.

Except my sad little pup refused to wear the “hood” that had the puppy head on it. Too much like a hat, of course.

At least I managed to sneakily draw a little nose and whiskers on him and he still looked pretty adorable.

The next year I got him the cutest little cowboy outfit…it came with wee chaps, a cowboy shirt and a super sweet lil vest. I didn’t even try and add a cowboy hat, but I figured this outfit was pretty much like regular clothes. Easy peasy, right? WRONG. What I neglected to remember was that Wolfie is a very proper little man and he liked his jackets and hoodies zipped up. And a vest? Well it’s like a perpetually “open” jacket. Yeah the vest? He didn’t like it ONE BIT.

He threw himself on the ground like a cartoon character, sobbing. Keep in mind that normally Wolfie was the sweetest, most low-drama kiddo around. Greg and I looked at each other half laughing and half shaking our heads….like “Really? You’re going to throw yourself on the ground over a VEST?” Thankfully he gets over things pretty quickly and once the offending vest was removed, he was all sunshine again.

The next year I had a great plan….and seemingly Wolfie-proof! Greg and I would go as Mr. & Mrs. Frankenstein—and Wolfie? He would be the Crazy Mad Scientist. Genius, right? All he’d have to do was wear a wee little lab coat (buttoned all the way up, of course) and make his hair all crazy. It was the perfect plan. Greg looked great.

I even left Wolfie help me put on my “spooky” eye make up so he wouldn’t be scared—this was a huge success.

But when it came time for his own costume, well…once again, you can see how Wolfie felt about all this:

I explained to him that Halloween was all about dressing up, and if he didn’t like the Mad Scientist outfit he could really be anything he wanted to. After some thought he declared. “I wanna be a punkin.” I was a little floored. “Um…..a pumpkin?” “Yes. Punkin, mama.” My costume-adverse child goes and picks the roundest, poofiest costume around?? “Wolfie, you know a pumpkin is very round, right? Are you sure you want to be a pumpkin?” “YES. PUNKIN.” OK. So I have to admit that I was totally a terrible mom and thought this was a lame costume idea (I know, I KNOW), but I wanted him to be happy, so a pumpkin it was. I searched high and low for a non-poofy pumpkin costume and FINALLY found one (it ain’t easy, folks). I came home triumphant. YES! Wolfie will be so excited! Except……

Oy! I can’t lie. It became a Battle Royale. He was going to wear that freakin’ pumpkin costume if it killed me. I finally calmed him down and like all savvy moms…..I negotiated a bribe. “Listen. If you wear the costume, I’ll give you something. Something good.” His ears perked up. “What?” he sniffled. “Um…you can have some chips.” Yes. I know. Bribing with snacks. What can I say? I was desperate. And Wolfie’s a salty boy, so this worked better than the promise of chocolate. With a sigh, he was resigned to his fate:

The final verdict: “I’ll wear it. But I won’t like it.”

By the next day (which was actually Halloween) he had a miraculous change of heart and happily wore Ze Pumpkin. Hallelujah!

Oh my silly little Wolfie. I’m happy to report the last two years were amazingly struggle free and he has decided costumes (and HATS!) are A-OK. His friend Emmy got him into Pokemon and decided he wanted to be Pikachu. Not only did he wear the outfit, he wore the kooky hat dealie too! Whooo hoo! It was a cheap-ass flamable costume, but HE WAS WEARING A COSTUME. Listen, I’ll take what I can get. And apparently this is a rather “rare” costume, and he got lots of props from the big kids who all shouted at him, “We chose YOU Pikachu!” He was beaming.

Last year he continued the Pokemon theme and dressed up as Pikachu (again) at school and as Ash, Pikachu’s owner, on Halloween proper.

This year Wolfie is plotting yet another action hero character (Ben 10, anyone?). I do my best to suggest crafty, cute things, but ultimately I just want my boy to be happy and feel great in his costume—which means he gets to choose. Hey, I’m just happy he’s enjoying the fun of dressing up. I have a feeling it’s going to be a fun Halloween, ya’ll.

PS Don’t forget we’re looking for great costume photos! Send me your best (or worst!) home made halloween costumes! Read more about it here. We’ll be posting them all in a fun Costume Parade next week! You can send them to Alix [at] modernkiddo[dot] com.

Guess Who’s In MAEVE Magazine?

Yahoo! The latest issue of Maeve Magazine is out…and guess who has another article inside? Yep, that’s muh name on the cover. So exciting! Editor Kate, from Tea & Jam Photography, is soooooo insanely talented. Not only is she a fabulous photographer, she is an amazing graphic designer—she always makes my words look fabulous. Thank you Kate for another amazing issue! There are tons of beautiful photos and cool articles inside—I think you’ll love it. My story is about the Wonderful World of Blythe, which was so much fun to write:

There are tons of other fun and thought-provoking features inside. I’m especially in love with these little kiddos from this photo shoot:

Be sure to check out MAEVE over here!!

Also, don’t forget about the amazing giveaway we’re doing. Priscilla from Little Miss Hierlooms has generously offered up an awesome vintage Irmi storybook lamp for our readers! Enter here.

Put the Needle on the Record: Vintage Kiddo Album Art

image: Kyle Tait

Back in the spring, on a rainy afternoon, Wolfie and I had a little dance party with the record player and I did a little post about it. We looked at some really awesome record art and ya’ll seemed to enjoy it! Ya know, it’s kind of crazy but kids today won’t ever really know what an LP is unless we show them! Sooo, since it was such a popular post, I thought it was time to take a look at some more records. The music is always charming and fun, but it’s the album artwork that is the real star.

This record is all kinds of awesome. The amazing artwork. The fact that it’s a Child’s Intro to JAZZ….and then the artist is Bob Keeshan and The Honeydreamers. AMAZING.

image: IAAFOTS

Disney records were always among my favorite growing up. Look at these dapper little dudes:

Of course my top faves were the storybook records. “You will know it is time to turn the page, when you hear the chimes ring like this…..” Bllllling.

images: animation archives

Soooo cuuuute those happy little kiddos! I love the categories: Cowboy songs? check! Animal songs? Check! Railboard songs? Check! SOLDIER SONGS???? Hmmm. Not quite as peppy….

image: paula wirth

Pee Wee the Piccolo is the bomb. Look at that sassy face…..

image: i’lltakeyourphoto

I am not sure what the Fog Boat story is, but i’m intrigued! I love this artwork.

This fella is a leeeetle creepy looking, but the name Hi-Fi for Small Fry is so good I don’t even care!

images: image: IAAFOTS

image: kawkawpa

I love me a banjo and these two fine fellers are so great. The type is so modern….you can see how today’s designers are totally influenced by the past!

image: glen mulally

Uh oh….sheeee’s baaaaack. Everyone’s favorite singing, religious ventriloquest. Lord have MARCY!

Really Marcy? Happy Little Children? They look terrified. And look at this poor child below:

images: Tweedlebop

Ayyyiiiii!!!!! No more Marcy! Take me to the kittens…

Sigh. OK. feeling better now.

Moving on….how about THE MINI POPS??? Best kiddo has to be the chick on the far laft with the monkey on her shoulder. What what WHHHAT? Oh wait, that jazzy Jane Fonda boy in the front with satin shorts is pretty fab. Then again maybe the 40 year old 9 year old at the top wearing black leather gloves….or maybe the safari kid…decisions, decisions….

image: jacob whittaker

Finally, the smooth graphic stylings of old skool Sesame Street. One of my faves, all I can say is mi, mi, mi loves Big Bird!

For more fun vintage kid album art, check out our original post HERE. Happy Monday Kiddos!

MODERN KIDDO TIP: You can easily find vintage kiddo records at thrift shops and on ebay. The tricky part is making sure they are in great condition. Most vintage children’s records are sadly a little trashed, but you have to remember that these are albums that are well worn and well loved. I’ve been pretty lucky to score many that are in primo condition, and it makes a difference! Be sure to check (or ask questions) when buying! If you don’t have a record player, that’s ok….you can frame the albums and hang them in your kiddo’s room. If the record label is cool, or it’s pressed on colored vinyl, you can even hang the record itself!

Vintage Kiddo: Kid Bedrooms from the 60s and 70s were swank!

Howdy gang. I was cleaning up the house this weekend and stumbled upon my stash of old vintage home interior books—I have a handful from the late 60s and 70s. I love them but I have to be honest, I rarely crack ’em open. Thank goodness I did, I had totally forgotten about all the amazing kid’s bedrooms in some of them! I thought you guys might like to take a little look-see with me, so after an afternoon with the scanner, here’s what I have for ya. I think you’ll like!

I love those little mod pedestal stools that look all magic mushroomy. I totally remember that old green froggy toy bin in the back. Four beds though…hmmmm. Was that for sleep-over fun or was this a Jon and Kate Plus 8 situation? Let’s continue…

“Oh hey it’s Todd here. Just shootin’ some pool with my good buddy Lance.”

Where to begin. The gigantic star on the ceiling? The ‘stash on that chalk drawing? Wow. I hate to say it, but in 10 years Lance will be driving a Camaro and probably won’t have anything to do with ol’ Todd. But don’t worry…Todd will get his revenge. He’ll invent the Walkman in the 80s and become a digi-mogul. Lance will end up renovating Todd’s rec room.

Ahh, Widdle Wednesdays look out! Take a gander at this intriguing retro baby nursery.

Ahh, the floating wall nursery, with potentially deadly medieval metal pole hanging over bebe’s head. Sweeeet. That rug though….

This next one is amazing. Lots of cool cubby space for hunkerin’ down and reading your best Encyclopedia Brown book.

Sigh. I love the wallpaper, the book nook and that aquarium….

I’m crazy about polka dots (although these are a little eye-cross inducing, methinks). Look how cute that little polka chair is!

If this next one looks familiar….it’s because it is! Same polka dot room, but different book! I love the little romper on the boy.

This next room is a pre-teen dream. The yellow Arne Jacobsen chair is so dreamy.  Ten points to whoever figures out what the hell is that red thing on that top shelf down there:

Ahoy matey, the S.S. Kiddo is set to sail! This theme room is amazing….down to the porthole and the bell on the wall. By the way, those white circles aren’t fancy lights. This particular book is a three-ring binder. I was able to crop the holes out of most of the photos but I didn’t want you to miss out on the grandeur of the director’s chair/desk combo. Or that starfish pillow on the bed. Oooh oooh. WHAT IS THAT PEEKING OUT OF THE BOTTOM LEFT CORNER?? I swear it’s like the cousin of mystery red thing on the shelf! OK. Carry on….

Check out this four poster bed. The floral matches the chair AND the hope chest. Wowza!

Gotta say I’m highly intrigued by the colossal Fish on Wheels on the floor over there.

Overall I think it must be said that the 70s ruled. In addition to bold colors and fun pop stylin’….there was that 1976 bicentennial action that nudged people to go all Colonial. Check out the old-timey phone! The play space is great in here (and I love those mod window treatments) but wait til you see the bed.

How cool is that?? It’s like a double bunk/fort with a build in puppet theater. Looove.

This next one is such a creative little space. The slanted wall could have felt oppressive, but the big happy rainbow just livens up the whole joint.

Kory lives here—and apparently Kory is The Man. If you couldn’t tell by his rad tube socks and name emblazoned on the bedroom wall, then just feast your eyes on his bunk bed pods:

Speechless, people.

Next up is Sasha’s pad. And this kiddo is giving Kory a run for the money. I mean the Star Wars Tie Fighter, X-Wing and R2D2…but I’m really digging the color swoosh on the wall….which somehow runs across the window shade, thank you very much.

My parents were into Danish modern when I was little—and this was no mean feat growing up in Flint, Michigan, lemme tell ya. My brother and I had these really cool mod red bunk beds that were a bit like these next ones. There is no ladder, you climb up the slats on the end. Super cool! Alas, ours didn’t come with the head-decapitating magazine rack hanging above the top bunk.

And finally….my top favorite. The Indoor Playground. HOW. COOL. IS. THIS.

As always, vintage makes me want to embrace color and just kick everything up a notch. I hope you were inspired by these rooms as much as I was. Just promise me you won’t, you know, hang any awkward magazine racks over yer kiddo’s bed, ok? We’re here to inspire, not clock yer sweet pea.

Images: From the collection of Miss Alix. Better Homes and Gardens Decorating book (1968), Better Homes and Gardens Decorating book (1975) and House and Garden’s Complete Guide to Interior Decoration (1970).

Vintage Kiddo: The Force is Strong With This One.

You may not know this about me. But I love Star Wars. The original 1977 film is one of my all time favorite movies and while many may quibble about the special effects not being up to parr and the acting a tad stilted I say, “When 900 years old you reach, look as good, you will not!”

So in honor of Dottie embarking on her COMIC CON Odessey this week, I thought it would be great to take a little trip down memory lane at the cultural phenomenon that was STAR WARS. I don’t care WHO you were, if you grew up in the 70s your life was touched by Star Wars. If you weren’t obsessed with it, then your brother or best friend was. It was a pretty magical time, my friends. Let us begin.

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away…….

…..there were movie theaters that only showed ONE film. Popcorn, coke and a box of milkduds cost less then $10 and movies often only played at two times. Scandal!

image: aroid

Every self respecting kiddo of the 70s had a Star Wars tee and wore it with PRIDE!

image: jessenoonan

This next little feller was heading off to his first day of kindergarten. Big Apple Name Tag, nap time mat, Super Friends Lunch Box…..and his best Star Wars Tee. I love this photo so much, it reminds me of my younger brother Karl—a die hard Star Wars fan.

image: benjamin oderwald

One of the best things about Star Wars toys is that there are soo many photos of a little boy just BUSTIN’ with pride over his latest score:

image: kid ampersand

Oooh this boy had THEE ULTIMATE. The coveted Boba Fett. Boba Fett wasn’t even really in the first movie, but if you collected enough UPC codes from the Star Wars action figures you could send away to the Kenner toy company to receive your FREE Boba Fett Bounty Hunter! No one really knew who the hell he was at that time, but we HAD TO HAVE HIM!! This is the biggun, the 12 incher….not the freebie. You can see how psyched this little guy is:

image: timothy smith

Please note the Incredible Hulk Latch Hook Rug dealie resting casually on the back of the couch of this next one. Grrrrrr!

image: jedi jaybird

It was CLEARLY an excellent holiday at this kid’s house. He got the AT-AT walker from Empire Strikes Back, and his sister scored the Barbie Townhouse. I sooo had that as a little girl—that damn thing wobbled like crazy but how sweet is the elevator?

image: wampa-one

Speaking of kid sisters, they always wanted to get in on the fun too:

image: tom simpson

Image: aaron_73

image: superbomba

How cute is little Leia?? I guess that makes a great segue to COSTUMES. Star Wars costumes became extremely popular—many of them homemade.

image: phil dillon

“Aren’t you a little short for a storm trooper??” hyuck hyuck.  I really love the Mod Lord Vader jumpsuit.

Awwww no wonder Patches is so sad. His buddies got Star Wars coolness while his parents dress him up as a psychotic clown. Wahh Waaaah. Although to be fair the little ewok looks like the love child of  Kenny Rogers and Big Foot…

image: corelliancaptain

STYLIN’!!!!! (and you *know* I’m not talking about that sassy little storm trooper…..hold up. Does Gladys have a SPINNING WHEEL in the left corner over there??? Oh Mah Gawd…..)

image: Two Twumbo Twetzels

The art of Star Wars (as seen through the eyes of a kiddo) was also amazing:

image: r a e d e k e

Now you *know* that awesome Old Spice guy modelled himself after Lando. “Well hello ladies….!”

image: scad92

While most fans were little boys, little girls definitely got in on the Star Wars action too:


“Walk softly and carry a big laser blaster….”

image: Amy/Teruterubouzu

image: Lorena Haldeman

(yeah, the bike is rad. And don’t you fret….a banana seat bike post is totally in the hopper for Vintage Kiddo….)

I think it goes without saying that anybody who was anybody had a Star Wars themed birthday party.

We begin with the awesome Steven. I love that his parents made this sign! Although I gotta say, that little clown on the left is sort of ruinin’ Steven’s jedi mojo.

image: Sam Howzit His mom made extra rad R2D2 name tag for all the kids too. See ’em here.

Mmmmm. Chocolate Vader. Made with Extra Dark Side chocolate….

image: michael rose

Alas, I think Dan’s mom needs a few lessons from the lady up above. She gets an “A” for “artful fork display” and bonus points for two packs of Pop Rocks!

image: dishfunctional

image: igpago

Aaron has the best vintage Star Wars pictures on this Flickr Stream. This was apparently at McDonalds (note the soft serve sundaes). Boba Fett cake? Rockin’…..

image: aaron_73

Look how cute and happy this little guy is. And that cake looks might tasty too….

image: Trent Walton

Not sure what’s more impressive….the sculptural R2D2 or those snazzy Mork from Ork suspenders??

image: Cole Henley

This next one takes the, er, cake. Or rather his mom took the cake….to the damn photostudio. What what what?? Amazing.

image: chilly casey

The finally, the ultimate: having a tricked out Star Wars Bedroom. Many a child lulled themselves to sleep murmuring, “These are not the droids you are looking for…..” cuddled up under these amazing sheets:

image: jesse lockwood

This photo had the best caption. “Darth Vader’s light saber in my eye….but E.T. warming my heart.”

image: gthorn77

image: aaron_73

Sweet dreams little Jedi….

P.S. There is a really amazing Flickr group called Growing Up Star Wars: 1977-1985. You really should check it out—and add your own photos if you have any!

P.P.S  Dottie will be tweeting her way through Comic Con, so be sure to add her to your twitter feed! @missdottie! She’s going there for business, but it’s sure to be PURE GEEKTASTIC pleasure!