Entertainment for a Two Year Old’s Birthday Party

Image via: Ohdeedoh.

Friends, I need your help.

I want to throw the Peach a proper fun birthday party. Nothing too fancy but still fun for all–kids and parents.

I’d love suggestions of kiddo entertainment. Nothing too fancy like one of those bouncy houses, but something still fun for kids that won’t take up too much time or energy or money.

Theme-wise, we were thinking trains–because we could leave up the vintage trains that my Dad brought with him for the Peach’s Christmas. And she LOVES them.  Truly, truly loves them! Hmm… Is that weird for a girl to have a train party?  I don’t think so. I think it’s great!

And, let’s face it I’m a working mama, here–so I have a feeling Professor Dottie from the Slap Dash School of Crafting might make an appearance or two…

Please leave a comment and let me know what’s worked for you and what you’ve seen not work.

Thanks and stay tuned…

16 thoughts on “Entertainment for a Two Year Old’s Birthday Party

  1. what about a crafty activity like each child gets to decorate (paint, glitter, collage) a small box/carton and then you stick on some smaller cardboard circles (wheels) and join them all together and it will make a train & carriages?

    we didn’t have activities at D’s 2nd birthday, i just turned the kids loose in our yard and they all ran around in circles!

    1. Pilgrim–you are a genius!

      But that is good feedback that you didn’t do any for Donovan–I do agree that running in circles is kinda Georgia’s favorite thing ever…

  2. I know a few dancing girls who might be willing to make an appearance!

    I like pilgrim’s idea–if you have big boxes around (leftover from Christmas) you could always make a train big enough for kids to fit in!

  3. Ooh, I like RocketGirl’s idea too – Birdie is also in love with Trains (she screams choochoo even when she sees a Semi Truck) and one of her fave activities is making me push her and all her toys around in a big broiler pan.
    I didn’t realize their birthdays were so close together – we’ve got our 2nd Bday party on Sunday! I’m planning a basic crafty area, paper hats (the old school folded newspaper variety, but in plain paper), crayons/pencils, stickers, and maybe some feathers to go along with the Bird theme I’m forcing down her throat. It’s hard because our kidlet friends are either under 2 or over 4-5.

  4. Ooh, C just had a train party for his 2nd birthday and I’ve got the post written and everything…just waiting for the right time to reveal it. You’re making me want to do it sooner rather than later!

    We did conductor hats and train whistles as party favors but no big structured activities because I wanted him to feel free to do what he wanted. We rented out what was normally a kids’ drop off center and it was perfect for the 2 year olds because there was lots of toys and play gyms, etc. as well as kid sized tables for snacks AND they even had their own train table so it was perfect with the theme.

  5. awww, that’s great that she loves trains! hooray! the boxes into trains sounds great, because the kiddos could play on their own or with each other.

    when Miss Haven turned 2, i had a luau in the backyard, complete with party store leis for everyone and a hula girl cake (one of those Barbie cakes, but with a coconut bikini and grass skirt!). she really wasn’t much for activities, though. honestly, i think she was rather overwhelmed by the amount of people and all the activity of the cookout. but don’t stress about it! whatever you do will be perfect!!

  6. I like this train party idea! I was thinking the same thing as Steph – conductor hats and train whistles. A whistle will definitely delight a 2 year old.

    It’s hard to say what kind of activities a bunch of two year olds could do. They tend to be kind of sporadic and unfocused. Maybe a cho-cho cha-cha train? That would get the running out of their system (at least for a few minutes).

  7. The best party we’ve ever had was for my daughter’s fifth birthday. It was a polka dot party. Of course there was a polka dot cake. I ordered polka dot balloons, tablecloths, cups, plates, etc. The invitations were polka dots, and in the invitation were dot stickers for the kids to wear to the party, or they could wear their own polka dot clothes. My daughter had polka dot clothes on. We made streamers by punching out circles and then sewing them together in a long chain.

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