Guess Where We Went This Weekend?

I’ve been down in LA for a week and half freelancing. It’s tough to be away from my boys, but this weekend they drove down and it was SO GOOD to see them! As a special treat we took Wolfie to Disneyland on Sunday. Normally we plot our trips there around the “good” times to go (aka, when the crowds are low). This being Presidents Day Weekend, however, was not one of those times. The joint was PACKED. Greg technically isn’t as enamored with the Disney experience as I am, although having a child has made him appreciate it so much more.

Me? Well, it’s one of my favorite places to go. When I lived in San Diego as a kid (before moving to Michigan), we would go pretty much once a year and I have SUCH fond memories. It wasn’t nearly as crowded as it is these days. I admit, I love the “old school” Disney most. But even Greg remarked that pretty much everyone who works there is super friendly and even all the park goers are all in a good mood! Despite the long lines, we never saw anyone getting cranky. I also love the attention to detail at the place and the fact that’s it’s pretty amazingly CLEAN.

All the pics in this post are from the Tyler family photo album and are some of my favorites! That one up on top especially…

Here’ s me and my pops hanging out in the tea cups:

I love this photo of my mom, she looks so cute. I’m also impressed because I think she’s wearing platform sandals….oh, and yep. That’s lil ol’ me kickin’ back in my polka dot stroller.

This photo (from a few years later) kills me too….me and my mom in our plaid pants. My mom looks like a groovy modern day hipster with those cool shades! My whole family loves Disneyland, and I’d love for my brother Karl to join us there one day. Wolfie would love it!

I’m writing up a Guide to Disneyland (which I’ll probably post next week, once I’m back up in San Francisco) so if you have any questions about traveling there with (or without!) kiddos, just leave me a comment! I promise I’ll try to answer ’em all.

13 thoughts on “Guess Where We Went This Weekend?

  1. Um, could we talk about how glamorous your mom is? I love her sunglasses and her amazing hair and she’s just so gorgeous. Sigh! And that white belt (actually the whole outfits) is to die for!

    I love how she is kinda not wanting to be hugged by Captain Hook. My thoughts exactly!

  2. The photos are just incredible. Your mom’s puffy sleeved top is to die for. Love it!

    My number one advice after we returned from Disney this fall is to not worry about anything! Everything there is designed for comfort and fun for kids of all ages. Just show up! There’s definitely a reason they call it the happiest place on earth…none of us wanted to leave!

    There are images in a Little Golden Book I have from when I was little called “Disneyland Parade with Donald Duck” that look so much like that balloon man’s bunch of balloons!

  3. We were there too this weekend and I saw you outside the haunted mansion that afternoon! But you’re right, it was packed and I didn’t want to drag my whole family over just to say hello. But I was so excited, my first blogger sighting! Hope you had as much fun as we did.

    1. NO WAY!!!!!! How cool!! Aw I wish you had said HI, but the crowds were kinda crazy. That was when I split up with Wolfie & Greg, they were going to Tom Sawyer Island and I went on the Haunted Mansion! We did have a blast….did you see the fireworks? We didn’t even have a good spot and they were still spectacular!!

      1. Aww, next time I’ll say hello! I was with my parents, and thought they would think I was crazy saying hi to strangers. 🙂 We were back to our hotel by the time fireworks started (little kids!), but were lucky enough to be able to see them out our window, with the soundtrack playing on the TV. They were amazing!

  4. Alix you were such a HUGE help to me when I planned a trip to Disney for our family last August. It truly was the best experience my kiddos have had to date. When we ask Sophia Rain (4 yrs.) what she wants to do for the weekend, she ALWAYS says “How ’bout we go back to Disneyland!” Adorableness. Thank you again for all of your advice, as it helped out big time!
    p.s. Your mom’s shirt is AMAZING!!!! Those sleeves, I think I died a little when I saw it. Love it!

  5. ummm hi.. my name is Alix too and I LOVE Disneyland as well. So..just thought I would let you know that you have a name twin that shares a love of disneyland. 🙂

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