Monday Vintage Madness!

I can’t believe we are already half way through October. Sob! This very special, beautiful month just scoots on by so fast! And this weekend was supposed to be full of all sort of Autumnal goodness, but I was on the cusp of getting sick, so I decided to lay low in hopes of shrugging off any full blown illness.  Sigh… But I did have a bit of time to round up some super cute vintage goodies to share with you. Enjoy!

Oh my!  If this stripey friend was a 5T I would buy it in a heartbeat! Orange stripes!  Perfect for this Halloweeny month! From Etsy seller, Little Part.

Look folks, I’m only human. So you understand that I HAD to share this darling vintage plaid boys jumpsuit with the lion applique.  Killing me with the cuteness here! From the marvelous Ms. Tips.

Now here is a rarity–a big girl size 10 vintage shirt in the perfect red gingham.  Couldn’t you just see this sweet shirt under a fun t-shirt? LOVE! From Etsy seller, Bondplace Vintage.

Um… There is a bucket of awesome crammed into this little vintage shirt. That skyline? Amazing. Beyond amazing. And didn’t one of the designers from Project Runway win the Rockettes challenge with this exact same idea? Hmm…. Just sayin’… From Etsy seller, Hey Sweetie Pie!

How could I not include a little Big Big vintage goodness after he’s been in the press so much this past week. Tee hee! But this puzzle is super!  From Etsy seller Oliver’s Forest, who also has a terrific Ernie one too!

I know I featured great vintage costumes last week, but check out this perfect little Pinnochio costume, hand sewn by a seriously awesome mama back in the day. I totally wouldn’t pass judgement if you told everyone that you made this yourself. From one of my favorite Etsy sellers ever 1 Sweet Dream Vintage, who sold me the sweetest rainbow ballerina costume and found the little arm puffs and sent them to me months later. What a doll you are, lady!

OK–another awesome find for in a bigger size! And what a beauty–this amazing kilt with a green yarn edging.  Pure seventies magic. And that buckle? Divine! Well played, FuzzyMama...

These sweet candy corn pants is just one of many different vintage Halloween treats Miss Lishyloo has in her shop right now.  Oh, why can’t all veggies be so sweet as candy corn!

Etsy seller LadiDottie posted a photo that was more of a close up of this sweet vintage kitty sweater, but I had to include the model because she is one of my all time favorite models on Etsy and you all needed to see that cuteness. And the sweater.

I would have traded my Mork & Mindy suspenders for this sweet rainbow vest when I was a kiddo.  All would have bowed down to me on the black top in this beauty. And good gravy, are those polka dots? POLKA DOTS?!?! FIE, A Pear’s Vintage Goodies.

Happy Monday, folks!

6 thoughts on “Monday Vintage Madness!

  1. Thanks Dottie! I’m so glad that the little matching arm puffs arrived for Peach. I so enjoy seeing the Instagram pictures of her dancing around in it. What pure joy! Thanks for the feature today. This is one of my favorite collections yet! That little skyline button up shirt is killing me with its cuteness, and I have a special place in my heart for anything Sesame Street. Happy Monday.

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