Real Life: Fairyland.

One of the real joys of living where I do is that I’m less than 15 minutes away from Fairyland!

What is Fairyland you ask?

I must admit, I had no clue either for the first 15 years of living in the Bay Area. I used to see the technicolor sign early in the morning when I rowed on Lake Merritt, but I finally experienced it as I should—as a parent the other weekend and had a blast. I might never have thought of going until I saw these cutie pie pictures of Wolfie going and rave reviews from Alix.

See that key that Wolfie is using?  Well, a big part of Fairyland lore and history centers around the Talking Storybooks and Magic Keys.

At every little tableau, like the Snow White one Wolfie is at, there would be a small box that boys and girls could insert a special magic key. Once the key was in the box, it would spill out some delightful little Bing Crosby-like diddy that matched the little scene. Pure vintage awesomeness. They just created a new magic key for its 60th anniversary celebration last weekend!

Oh, and the Peach had such a good time. Who wouldn’t when you see things as yummy as this:

Fairyland was built in 1950 by the Oakland Lake Merritt Breakfast Club.  Rumor has it Walt Disney even came to Fairyland often to get ideas for Disneyland.  Numerous artists have contributed exhibits, murals, puppetry, and sculptures to the park. Some of the better-known artists are Ruth Asawa and Frank Oz. I wonder who did these for these two cuties, eh?

The park opened on September 2, 1950. Admission was 9 to 14 cents, depending on age. The original guides to the park were a dwarfish married couple dressed in glamorous Munchkin-style costumes. How terrifying would that have been!

The entrance to the park was the shoe from The Old Woman in the Shoe. The entrance through the shoe was sized for children so that adults had to bend over to go through. When we went you could see that the Old Woman in the Shoe was still kicking, although her digs had certainly re-heeled and polished up a bit.

It’s amazing to see how little has changed from when it was built in the fifties.

And a few signs of the times…

There weren’t that many rides, but there were enough to keep the average six year old very happy. Check out this great Alice in Wonderland ride.

The Peach was completely entranced. Albeit a bit nervous at first…

And after a little coaxing she also was a big fan of the crooked house too.

Sadly, the Peach tuckered out before we could get to the big attraction—Willie the Whale!

When we told our neighbor, Joyce that we went to Fairyland that afternoon, she smiled and asked about good old Willie the Whale. Joyce grew up in the house next door and inherited it from her parents.  She is a long-time resident of the East Bay and went to Fairyland herself as a little girl.  She said that everyone who grew up going to Fairyland and returned as a parent always says the same thing—”I remember the whale being MUCH bigger!”

I wonder what the Peach will think of it when she’s an adult?  We plan to go again very soon!

A letter to Alix.

Dear Alix,

I just got your text saying you don’t have any Internet access all day on the set in Prague and that thing are crazy busy and you won’t be able to post today.

Well, no worries, lady!  I know how busy these fancy-pants corporate gigs that we love can be. And I do know what it is like to miss your little family that is so far away as you type from your hotel room at 1:00AM, not getting your fair share of morning snuggles and good night kisses.

And sister, you’ve just had this tour of duty EXTENDED three days to September 29th.  Yowza!

Well, I can’t bring the real Wolfie to you, but let’s bring him to you in picture form.

Look at how widdle he is here! I believe this was the same day as the cowboy incident, yes, Alix?

Oh, but you want widdle. Check THIS out!

Wolfie loves his salty snacks! But has been known to dabble in the chocolate every now and then…

Those curls!

How did he not win that modeling contest is beyond me!

Who loves his mama?

And who loves his wifey too?

Know that they love and miss you just as much as you do, Alix and you’ll be with them so very very soon from now.

And we are all here for your, lady! Working mamas out there (and we ALL work–whether you are a stay at home mama or a mama working 80 hours a week in an office or a farm or wherever, we are ALL working it!) please leave a comment for our gal, Alix giving her a bit of sunshine that she gives to out.

PS: I bought out tickets for Alt, Alix!

PPS: I snuck a peek at the unfinished guest post by the glamorous and sassy Danielle of Kitschy Digitals and I’m super SUPER excited. It’s all about crafts and it will be up Thursday, Dottie’s Kraft Korner day and I couldn’t be more pleased about that. Hurrah!

Hot Diggity! Vintage Kiddo Retro Round up!

Oof! This past weekend was a doozy for me.  Husband and baby sick again and a rough fall down a flight of cement steps certainly put a damper on my weekend plans, but it’s nothing that some online retail therapy couldn’t fix! Like finding some goodies for all of you! And I think I found some real winners this week, folks.

Let your little lass channel her inner Mamie Eisenhower with this perfect red winter coat with a fur collar to boot. Perfect for going on special trips to New York City to look at the shop windows at Christmas time.  From eBay seller, The Magnolia Collection.

Check out this brilliant scooter jacket. Plaid with mustard piping–what a great combo.  So very Sharks vs. Jets cool. Best part is that it is deadstock and in big boy size 12.  Snatch it while you can from eBay seller, Highsense Lowbudget.

This dress seems so perfect for Thanksgiving dinner, doesn’t it?  Something about it makes me think pilgrim-chic. Best served with buckle shoes and heavy tights! From eBay seller, John and Jeans Jewels of Junk.

Oh, but we can’t leave the boys out of the Thanksgiving fun, eh?  Not when an outfit as awesome as this is available.  That belted vest! Those pants!  I think my parents had a sofa covered in the same fabric.  It’s genius. From eBay seller, Foreman Extras.

Petit Bateau is a terrific brand, but their seventies stylings were clearly out of this world–and check out this amazing dressie with an very groovy  Alice in Wonderland pattern. C’est magnifique, eBay seller Colabaugh!

Miss Lish does it again with this dandy piece.   How perfect is this little romper with the world series just around the corner? Three strikes you’re IN with this great piece!

Ships ahoy with this purple salute to sailors.  I’ve never seen a nautical theme involving little sailors turned into a pattern in glorious purple polyester. And in size 7 to boot for extra awesomeness. From eBay seller, decodermothalloween.

Only you can prevent bad toddler fashion with this great Smokey the Bear red windbreaker for toddlers.  From Etsy seller Vintage Tot Shop. Imagine it with matching red converse sneaks.

There is much to love in this little baby boy outfit with some dandy embroidery, but my favorite is the seam hem.  So cute from Etsy seller, Oscar & Theodore.

As you know, I love me so ric-rac.  I have boxes of the stuff. I can’t help myself. And I can’t help but love love love this ricractastic tomato red dress.  Bring it into your little gal’s winter wardrobe by pairing it with a turtleneck and some zany tights. Perfection! From Etsy seller Second Hand Love Kids.

When I was little there is nothing better to do in September than curl up somewhere with a crisp apple and a good book. And I found a great source for some vintage books from a snappy little shop called Blue Carrot Shop.  Come for the book and stay for the kitchen kitsch, and neato housewares too!

I think I had that book!

That’s all folks! Happy Monday and enjoy the fall weather!

Meet Igor! Our Weekly Kiddo.

Ladies and gentlemen….it’s FRIDAY, and you know what that means. I have to say, I feel like every week I tell you, “You won’t believe how awesome this week’s Kiddo is.” Yet once again, here I am. I have to tell you one of the most fantastic things about this blog is hearing from readers all over the globe. I recently received an email from Modern Kiddo fan Natalia who lives in Cracow, Poland. She sent me photos of her little boy IGOR…and in addition to having the coolest name around (well, second only to Wolfgang, of course… 😉 ) he is such a stylish little guy you won’t believe it.

Tomorrow, September 18, is Igor’s birthday. He turns TWO! I thought it would be appropriate to make him this week’s kiddo. HAPPY BIRTHDAY little Igor! Wszystkiego Najlepszego!

+ Rolling Stones tee, H&M
+ Blue jeans, H&M
+ Plaid cap, H&M
+ Trainers, adidas

This one is pretty fabulous:

+ Jeans, H&M
+ Pea Coat, Zara Baby
+ Trainers, adidas

+ Button shirt, Zara Baby
+ Trousers, Next
+ Aviator glasses, Kapphal

+ Adorable striped suit, Polish brand Wójcik

+ Checked shirt, Next Direct
+ Jacket, adidas
+ Checkered Cap, Kapphal

I am loving this kiddo in all his hats! How cute is he?

+ Checked shirt, Zara Baby
+ Jeans, H&M

+ Fur cap, H&M

+ Zara Baby

+ Blue Jacket, Polish brand, 5.10.15
+ Plaid cap, H&M

You have to admit, this is one fantastic kiddo, am I right?? It’s so much harder to find stylish clothing for little boys and I always appreciate seeing a well dressed little fella.

As I said earlier, Igor is turning two tomorrow. His mother Natalia tells us that he is full of energy and is a very joyful kiddo. He is smiling all the time but he can also be a bit stubborn too! You won’t be surprised to hear that Igor’s favorite part of his wardrobe are his CAPS! He absolutely love them and doesn’t want to take them off his head. Bravo Igor! He also loves to play with this little cars and enjoys watching shows like Wonder Pets, Elmo, Ernie and Bert and playing ball outside. One of his favourite activities is driving around in his Mercedes SLK—see above. I love it. He is a classy little lad! THANK YOU so much Natalia for sharing your handsome boy with us. Dziynki!