Tag Archives: cool Christmas pink stockings

MK Giveaway: Gingiber!

Surely you know Gingiber, right?

You know, that darling Etsy store that makes everyone smile with its cute owls and sunny disposition? Well, Miss Stacie Bloomfield, the master maven behind Gingiber is kindly offering up THIS bit of goodness for this week’s Modern Kiddo Giveaway!  One of your fabulous reindeer Christmas stockings. In pink no less. Squee!!!  Great for anyone–I love a boy that can rock pink!  Perfect for the holidays, wouldn’t you say?

But before we get into the deets on this giveaway, let’s chat a bit with our new-found friend, Miss Stacie.  I invited her by the Modern Kiddo camp for some fire-side e-chatting about craftiness, being a crafty mom and her inspiration. Here’s what she said:

Modern Kiddo: How long have you been crafty?

Stacie Bloomfield: Ever since I could hold a pencil, I have been drawing. If I had crayons, I would stay busy for hours (which made my parents very happy). And I was probably the only 10 year old who wanted a Martha Stewart Magazine Subscription for Christmas. I love making and being inspired by beautiful things!

MK: Somewhere out there Martha Stewart smiled!  What inspired you to start your own Etsy store?

SB: Once upon a time, I graduated from college with an Art Degree. I then pursued a promising career as a Starbucks Barista, all the while trying to figure out how to use my skills to pay the bills. Finally, one day after an exceptionally caffeinated shift at work, I got up the nerve to open my own Etsy Shop, listing some nursery doodles I had made for my young daughter. Using the monkier “Gingiber” (a name that I came up with for a college design project) I happily listed doodle upon doodle onto my very own etsy shop. And I have never been happier!

MK: Ha! Ha!  I’m sure Starbucks misses you, but I think the crafting world needs more people like you in it.  How do you find time to run your business and be a Mom to your little cutie patootie?

SB: Well, I no longer work at Starbucks Coffee Company. I now work a much less time consuming day job at a local university. I generally get most of my Gingiber done after my daughter goes to bed around 7 pm, and on the weekends, when my sweet husband will allow me several hours of uninterrupted creative time. And, I tend to be constantly doodling in the margins of notes or on napkins during lunch, so I feel like I am constantly coming up with new ideas!

MK: Whoa–working plus kiddo plus side crafty business? Hmm… perhaps the caffiene is necessary still.  What are you most excited about for the holidays?

SB: I am so excited that my 2 year old daughter, Violet, is so excited about Christmas! We just put up the Christmas Tree, and she loves to stare at it and say, “Pretty, Mommy!” She cannot help but touch a few Christmas ornaments every time she passes by the tree. There is nothing greater than making sweet little holiday memories with your children.

Stacie, I totally agree about the holiday memories and I hope your wonderful stocking becomes part of some kiddo’s future holiday memories.

Now, friends, to get this perfect pink reindeer pompom laced stocking, you can:

  1. Leave a comment about one of your favorite holiday memories
  2. If you already follow us on Twitter, tweet about this giveaway—don’t forget to include @modernkiddo in the tweet please!
  3. “Like” us on Facebook
  4. Follow sweet Stacie on Twitter.

If you do all five you’ll be entered four times.

Good luck and I’m crossing my fingers you win!