Tag Archives: etsy

The Besty of Etsy :: ReStyle posters

Who doesn’t love a little catherineholm enamelware, but who can afford it? Especially, the oh so elusive teapot. But you can afford this wonderful poster from Etsy shop, ReStyle and hang it in your kitchen. What a nice treat to see every morning with your cup of joe. Sigh.

But o-ho, this very talented Czech illustrator, Jan Skacelik, has found inspiration not only in the beauty of catherineholm enamel ware but in a lot of other things that would make us a bit swirly with love.

Like this ode to Star Wars:

Or this charmer:

Wouldn’t this be fabulous in a nursery?

I’m very fond of this one too!

As you can see, this illustrator has many charms!

Dottie’s Kraft Korner :: Hart & Sew’s Doll Suitcase.

Well, you know we love Rachel Denbow from Smile & Wave. We’ve chatted with her in the past and she featured our girl Alix’s sassy vintage ensembles.

Well, she also hipped us to the perfectly lovely blog of one of my favorite Etsy shops for vintage clothing, Hart & Sew.  Turns out she is also a most marvelously crafty gal. How stupendously amazingly crafty is she?

Exhibit A: doll suitcase.

I know, right?

Doily as rug?  I’m weeping with craft joy here.

Oh wait, where is the doll? Why right here.

And what is a doll without a doll wardrobe. Amirite? Totally.

Errr. This doll is better dressed than me. Dolly, where did you get that sweet gold leather purse?

And your pad, Miss Dolly, is more stylish than my first three apartments!

Oh yeah, that was some deelightful craft porn to inspire me to dust off the old sewing machine and see if I can make magic happen this weekend!

Thanks again, Hart & Sew for raising the crafty bar!

MK Giveaway: Gingiber!

Surely you know Gingiber, right?

You know, that darling Etsy store that makes everyone smile with its cute owls and sunny disposition? Well, Miss Stacie Bloomfield, the master maven behind Gingiber is kindly offering up THIS bit of goodness for this week’s Modern Kiddo Giveaway!  One of your fabulous reindeer Christmas stockings. In pink no less. Squee!!!  Great for anyone–I love a boy that can rock pink!  Perfect for the holidays, wouldn’t you say?

But before we get into the deets on this giveaway, let’s chat a bit with our new-found friend, Miss Stacie.  I invited her by the Modern Kiddo camp for some fire-side e-chatting about craftiness, being a crafty mom and her inspiration. Here’s what she said:

Modern Kiddo: How long have you been crafty?

Stacie Bloomfield: Ever since I could hold a pencil, I have been drawing. If I had crayons, I would stay busy for hours (which made my parents very happy). And I was probably the only 10 year old who wanted a Martha Stewart Magazine Subscription for Christmas. I love making and being inspired by beautiful things!

MK: Somewhere out there Martha Stewart smiled!  What inspired you to start your own Etsy store?

SB: Once upon a time, I graduated from college with an Art Degree. I then pursued a promising career as a Starbucks Barista, all the while trying to figure out how to use my skills to pay the bills. Finally, one day after an exceptionally caffeinated shift at work, I got up the nerve to open my own Etsy Shop, listing some nursery doodles I had made for my young daughter. Using the monkier “Gingiber” (a name that I came up with for a college design project) I happily listed doodle upon doodle onto my very own etsy shop. And I have never been happier!

MK: Ha! Ha!  I’m sure Starbucks misses you, but I think the crafting world needs more people like you in it.  How do you find time to run your business and be a Mom to your little cutie patootie?

SB: Well, I no longer work at Starbucks Coffee Company. I now work a much less time consuming day job at a local university. I generally get most of my Gingiber done after my daughter goes to bed around 7 pm, and on the weekends, when my sweet husband will allow me several hours of uninterrupted creative time. And, I tend to be constantly doodling in the margins of notes or on napkins during lunch, so I feel like I am constantly coming up with new ideas!

MK: Whoa–working plus kiddo plus side crafty business? Hmm… perhaps the caffiene is necessary still.  What are you most excited about for the holidays?

SB: I am so excited that my 2 year old daughter, Violet, is so excited about Christmas! We just put up the Christmas Tree, and she loves to stare at it and say, “Pretty, Mommy!” She cannot help but touch a few Christmas ornaments every time she passes by the tree. There is nothing greater than making sweet little holiday memories with your children.

Stacie, I totally agree about the holiday memories and I hope your wonderful stocking becomes part of some kiddo’s future holiday memories.

Now, friends, to get this perfect pink reindeer pompom laced stocking, you can:

  1. Leave a comment about one of your favorite holiday memories
  2. If you already follow us on Twitter, tweet about this giveaway—don’t forget to include @modernkiddo in the tweet please!
  3. “Like” us on Facebook
  4. Follow sweet Stacie on Twitter.

If you do all five you’ll be entered four times.

Good luck and I’m crossing my fingers you win!

Vintage Kiddo Retro Round Up! The Halloween Edition.

Hi hi Everyone!

Well, it’s officially Halloween time here at the Modern Kiddo HQ—in fact we have our spooktacular header thanks to our gal, Pilgrim. Three cheers for Ms. Pilgrim for rocking our worlds! In honor of this time of year, today’s weekly vintage clothing round up will feature all vintage Halloween costumes—and early enough so you can purchase them in time for October 31st.  If I do say so myself, we’ve got some real pips in here!

So, let’s start off with a bang with this little gem.  Oh wow wow wow wow. Wow.  This is spectacular. I love the feather. It’s like she just hopped off that circus horse. From Etsy seller, Get Lucky Vintage.

Who hasn’t enjoyed the delights of a Ben Cooper Halloween costume when they were young? Well, your little one can still enjoy that full face mask experience and fancy hospital-tie, shift costume too! Like this vintage Cinderella costume from eBay seller,   stvinsthriftybin. I gotta say that when I think dressing up a Cinderella I might not choose to have a pumpkin carriage on my dress. But that’s just me.  Regardless the kitsch factor on this dress just hit eleven.

This little vintage find is dedicated to my parents who bought the same train conductor overalls for my brothers 45 years ago to wear when they would play with their trains.  And that were handed down to me for one Halloween to wear to go as a train conductor.  These  vintage kid sized train engineer overalls from eBay seller, 3744Paulette would be perfect for any Thomas the Tank Engine loving kid!

I love this little black vintage dress that with the right accessories could totally become a wonderfully witchy dress, yes? From  eBay seller Volta-Vintage.

How could I not include at least one vintage cowboy shirt for potential Halloween costume. And this one is a real pip.  Because nothing is cuter than a being a little bit country on Halloween.  From Ebay seller, Jessiebelle999.

You can’t have the Lone Ranger with out the awesomeness known as Tonto.  I’ve always been Team Tonto, so this great fringe shirt just made me smile for miles.  From eBay seller, MargosMedley.

I found not one, but two great vintage kiddo navy uniforms.  For the right little girl, she could be Shirley Temple with that outfit.

Now if I could only find the cop and a construction worker we’d have a great Village People costume party.

Seriously, you gotta love Ben Cooper–that guy will turn any misc. one hit wonder into a costume. Case in point–Bat Fink.  For those not in the know, Bat Fink was a short cartoon that mocked Batman and the Green Hornet that ran in the 1960s and was totally an underground hero until it was recently picked up by Cartoon Network.

It is totally the hipster cartoon reference to make any kid wearing this would get knowing nods from the cool kids’ parents. It totally trumps going as DJ Lancelot.   Hey! This inspired my Halloween costume. I’ll go as a Hipster Dinosaur! From eBay seller, asisterfun.

OK, I have to share one more vintage witch costume with you. And it’s a doozy.  I mean, the cats alone. From Etsy seller, Iciernia.

Now you might remember in my homemade Halloween post a couple of weeks ago and my bitterness over my mother’s lack of sewing skills over a chicken costume.  Well, I think this vintage chicken costume was what I had in mind. And it is genius.  That lace covering totally looks like chicken feathers. It is spectacular in all of its chickeny goodness! From eBay seller, onealphafem.

Can’t decide between going as someone from Star Wars, Dukes of Hazzard or Strawberry Shortcake? Well, lucky for you, eBay seller Coocoostarwarsfan has all three of them with a starting bid of 49 cents!

Now this vintage dress is a great base for so many Halloween costumes. You could do Marie Antoinette, Martha Washington–or even pull it back to create a bustle for a more Victorian look–Madam Curie anyone? From Etsy seller, Magnolia Vintage.

Help your little girl connect with her inner Annie Oakley with this great cowgirl costume. In a big girl size 12 to boot! Start teaching her the words to “Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better” now… From eBay seller, abstuff.

Hoo Hoo Hoo wouldn’t want to go as a sassy hooty owl costume from vintage kid’s Halloween costume maker, Ben Cooper. From Etsy seller, Ira Mency.

When most people think of PAAS, they think of those fizzy tablets that color water for dying eggs.  But the PAAS marketing team saw that they needed to extend beyond Easter to another Holiday. Like Halloween with kiddie make-up.  I don’t know if I could put 25 year old lead-sodden paint on my kid, but the box is priceless.  That poor kid dressed as “The American Star” is just asking to have her candy taken from her,  but I totally dig Baroness Von Boo and Queen Astra! From eBay seller, rusty33150.

Be a clown! A cute vintage baby clown costume that can be snuggy in the stroller!  By Etsy seller, VaydaSophia’s Boutique.

This costume was totally bought by some mother who didn’t want her daughter rooting around her Hermes scarves to complete her gypsy costume.  “Here honey, why don’t you just wear this outfit instead…”  But isn’t the box killer?  And the mask is glow in the dark. How badass would that be to walk around with that gem! From Etsy Seller, GreenGables62.

If none of these gems float yer boat and you are determined to make your own Halloween outfit for your little one, check out this grand book–1975 Scholastic book on how to make no-sew costumes.  Genius. Nay, super genius! From Etsy seller, MidWest Girl.

How great are all of those?? Amazing! OK , we have a wee favor to ask of you. Voting was reset over at Top Mommy Blogs and we’d love to get back on top with a little help from our fabulous readers. If you are a fan of our blog, could pretty please click the special Modern Kiddo link below and then click once again on the words “Click to Vote” to register a vote for Modern Kiddo. (It never says our name, just “Click to Vote for the blog you just came from”.) We would appreciate it ever so much!!

PS You can vote once a day, if you are so inclined (and you’ll find the little brown “Vote for Kiddo” banner always hanging out on the left over there). THANK YOU SO MUCH! Be sure to come back this afternoon when Alix will have some more vintage kiddo fun for everyone. Happy week for all!

Link Lovin’ Friday.

Oh Friday Friday, one of my bestest days of the week! So glad you are here my friend…and so glad YOU are here too, lovely readers. Just wanted to share some fun things with you that caught my eye this past week:

Summer has kicked into high gear and I’m sure many of you have little roadtrips and family outtings planned. I loved this sweet USA cork board that the lovely Grace over at ever-inspiring design*sponge created as a fun way to map out your travels. I think it would be really fun to make one shaped like your state (HOLLA MICHIGAN!).

To find out how to make one of these for yourself, swing by design*sponge.

My friend Jenny turned me on to her sweet pal Andrea of Hula Seventy. She’s officially on the top of my list of “Girlies I Need to Know Better”. Her photography is so dreamy and these snaps from their summer of Road Trippin’ makes me smile.

Find more awesomeness over at Hula 70.

Our sweet pals Jamie and Jacinda at Prudent Baby always have such fun crafty ideas. I love these red, white and blue jelly beans pouches.

Complete instructions over at Prudent Baby. Or, you know, bribe someone crafty like Dottie to help you out.

Speaking of my Crafty Gal Pal, THIS ONE GOES OUT TO YOU MISS DOTTIE! You are a little slice of heaven, lady. Thanks for being such an awesome travel buddy last weekend! *mwuah!*

Found on Scissoring via Grosgrain Fabulous.

One of my other favorites is the brilliant Teri over at Giddy Giddy. Look at this adorable Fourth of July romper she made! Yeah. Vintage Rhino fabric?? So good.

Find even more inspiration over at Giddy Giddy.

My darling girl Pilgrim is so thoughtful. Even though she’s an Aussie, she did this bang up 4th of July Etsy roundup just for her State-side pals! As usual, she has read my mind and procured a charming collection of EVERYTHING I LOVE. Sigh.

Don’t forget we have an AMAZING $50 Gift Certificate giveaway happening for Draw! Pilgrim. Enter today!

One of my new favorite finds is Make Something Happy, from the ladies of Rock, Scissor, Paper. I loved this flashback post they did on last Fourth of July where they had a CAKE vs PIE throw down party! What a cool idea, huh.

Just in case you were wondering….CAKE WON! Check out the full Cake vs Pie Battle over at Make Something Happy. It’s awesome.

And finally….a little Fourth of July Sweet Treat for you to watch with the Kiddos. This little short from animation rockstars PES just makes me smile. Fireworks + Peeps= AWESOMENESS. Hope you dig it!

Have a super duper HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY my friends! We will be in a BBQ induced food coma on Monday and taking the day off. We’ll be back again on Tuesday and will expect a full report on yer weekend. Over and out!