Tag Archives: My Rocking Wardrobe

Meet Emma! Our Weekly Kiddo!

Hello everyone and HAPPPPY FRIDAY! This week our Weekly Kiddo hails from the land down under….meet the marvelous Miss Emma! This child has style for days. I love that her mum manages to  make Emma’s wardrobe the two things that are always my mantra: CUTE and COMFY! I shouldn’t be surprised, really, Emma’s mommy Cintia runs My Poppet, a really fabulous online shop…but let’s cut to the chase, shall we? Because this beautiful little girl is too adorable to be kept waiting!

OK. This outfit KEEEELS me. The gingham trim on that SUPER cute vest? The little apple leggings?? Love it all. And of course sweet Emma’s smile.

+Vest – made by My Poppet (yes that’s Cinti, Emma’s amazing mum!)
+Apple pants (My Rocking Wardrobe)

+ Butterfly dress – made by her mama (Cinti, do you take requests for Mommy Size dressies??)
+ t-shirt – Gap
+ Shoes – Seed

+ Japanese kimono jacket (thrifted)
+ Jeans (itch)
+ Red booties (skeanie)

+ Ice cream T – gap
+ Jeans – oishi-M
+ Sandals – seed

+ Orange smock dress – My Rocking Wardrobe
+ Purple bonnet – I made that one
+ Leggings – Gap
+ Shoes – Converse

+ Striped top – stella mcartney for Gap
+ Floral over top and yellow leggings – My Rocking Wardrobe
+ Yellow sandals – saltwater sandals

Hurray Emma! Little Emma is almost 2 and lives at home with her Mum and Dad in Melbourne Australia

As sweet as she looks, Emma is a bit of a tomboy at heart and loves heavy machinery like tractors and trains but will occasionally play tea parties with mummy and her dollies.

Sometimes Emma gets into trouble at the park when trying to commandeer other kids bikes, she doesn’t know it yet but she will be getting her own bike when she turns two. Shhh! It’s a secret! She also loves dancing and laughing (which is why Cinti sent me this cute little video of her!).

Believe it or not, this cosmopolitan child’s favourite foods are sushi and Chinese dumplings, but she will practically eat anything if you tell her it’s sushi. Emma! Can you please come and give Wolfie proper eating lessons???

Thank you so much Cintia for sharing this lovely child with us! She is such a lovely little doll!

My Rocking Wardrobe rocks.

I must admit that after being swamped by sci-fi wackiness for the past week, I was craving a little change of palette if you will–from all the space age/vampire/zombie/superhero/steampunk sassiness of Comic-Con.  Something the exact opposite.  I needed a large dose of truly girly girliness. Bring on the pretty flowers, the pink, the bows, the ruffles, the lace.

Bring on My Rocking Wardrobe. Now this wonderful site does carry a great selection of boys clothes as well as some sweet pieces for women too. But their collection of goodies for little girls is just breathtakingly darling.

As you can see below. Apple pockets on leggings with red polkadot cuffs? Or a perfect creamy puff-sleeved, peter pan collared bit of perfection with pig tails? Either way, my heart just smiled.

Even the socks are button cute. Little red riding hood and bunnies. Does it get any cuter?

Have you noticed the apron pinafore dress has returned with a vengeance this season?  But add gingham and ruffles and hearts on mine please.

You didn’t think a little doe could get any cuter, but then you add pink polka dots and a ruffle. Oh, and why not add a gingham waistband and sweet rose filled apron to a red skirt.  Just ignore that exploding sound–it’s only my head.  Exploding with cuteness that is!

Let’s take a closer look at those leggings shall we? I just found a new thing to obsess over. Strawberry leggings.

Ahh! This was just what the doctor ordered for me. And of course hugging and kissing the Peach.  Is there anything better than grabbing your little ones after being away and smelling their sun warmed hair and hearing them say mama mama mama mama? Nope there isn’t.

I’m so glad to be back to regular posting after a week away. Three cheers for Alix for holding down the fort with some amazing posts and her normal joie de vivre that I’m so very lucky to bask in on a daily basis.  I love ya to bits, Miss Alix. And gentle readers–all of you–it is such an honor to write for you all and thank you for your patience with me as I try to balance this jam-packed albeit lovely little life of mine and continuing to come back to our little nook of the Web.

Meet Kenzington. Our Weekly Kiddo!

I’m so excited to share this week’s Kiddo with you guys. We always try to offer up a range of styles—sometimes more vintage inspired, sometimes a little more indie, sometimes more basics etc etc.  I think our sweet girlie this week offers up a really fun and unique style…to me it’s a little bit of an Indie Bohemian. Oooooh, I’ve piqued yer interest now, haven’t I?? Well just you wait folks. Meet Kenzington! You may recognize her a Kenzie from the awesome blog Kenziepoo. She is the sweet daughter of blogger extraordinaire, Rachelle Wilde. Rachelle is passionate about design and one of my favorite features she does is “Turn this Room Into an Outfit“. Such a cool idea. But back to baby. Little Kenzie’s style is pretty adorable! And as hip and “on trend” as these little duds are, she still looks like a darling little girl. I’m a BIG fan of this, people. Kids should look like kids! OK, on with the show. Meet the magnificent, KENZIE!

I love how the sweet little silver ballerina slippers and amazing leggings make this look hip, while the little dressie keeps her totally sweet! Big props to Kenzie for wearing adorable head gear. Wolfie was such a stubborn kid and refused to wear hats—even as a baby.
+ Studio Dress,  My Rocking Wardrobe
+ Ivy Designs Headscarf
+ Apple Knee Patch Leggings, My Rocking Wardrobe
+ Silver metallic ballet shoes, Gap

Ahhhhh, how cute is this?? I love Paul Frank. And I’m in love with My Rocking Wardrobe, by the way…..a new discovery for me.

+ Headscarf by Ivy Designs
+ Sweet Deer Dress, My Rocking Wardrobe
+ Rainboots by Small Paul, Paul Frank

This out fit is crazy cute. The Panda with the Hat tee is the best. Also, check out the teensy Toms shoes.

+ Panda Hat Tee, Mini Rodini
+ Itch Skinny Jeans
+ Polka Headband
+ Tiny Toms shoes

Oh those apple leggings. Love love love this. And check out those baby blues on Kenzie…
+ Headscarf by Ivy Designs
+ Rosebud Crochet Shawl from My Rocking Wardrobe
+ Apple Leggings from My Rocking Wardrobe
+ White Cardigan from My Rocking Wardrobe

Well hello mysterious girl!

+ Fanny Liberty Top by La Fee Clochette
+ Jeans are Frankie Skinny Jeans by Sudo
+ Black mask by Atsuyo et Akiko

Oh this is one of my favorites. She’s like a little boho princess….super cute.

+ Heart Cell Shirt by Nonchalant mom
+ Ribbon necklace by Atsuyo et Akiko
+ Jeans are Frankie Skinny Jeans by Sudo
+ Feather band by Wovenplay (an awesome sustainable brand)

Soooo cute, right? OK, next up:

+ Studio Dress from My Rocking Wardrobe
+ Ivy Designs Headscarf
+ Leggings from My Rocking Wardrobe
+ Silver ballet shoes (peeking out!),  Gap

And finally…..TA DA!

LOVE this little look as well. Go Kenzie!

+ Shirin Kids Summer Dream Tank
+ Jeans are Frankie Skinny Jeans by Sudo
+ Headband by Ivy Designs

I just love her sweet little smile and rosey cheeks. What a cherub this girl is! So her mama tells us that Kenzie is full of joy! She loves talking, eating, making faces and, of course,  playing with her Mommy and Daddy.

Kenzie loves story time and her favorite books are: A Child’s Day, An Alphabet of Play, and ABC3D by Marion Bataille. Her favorite toys (at the moment!) are her stuffed animals. She and her family just got back from Disney World recently so her Disney character stuffed animals are in high rotation. She is obsessed with “Gooby”(AKA: Goofy), and “Dondald” (AKA Donald) as she affectionately calls them. Rachelle says, “I just recently bought Kenzie a little kitchen for her playroom and she will play with it for hours. She loves to make her Daddy & Mommy delicious fake food!!” When asked what her favorite treat or food is, Rachelle told us, “Kenzie is currently obsessed with cereal. IShe is always asking Momma for “More cereal please!” I think she would eat it all day if I would let her!” I love a good bowl of cereal myself, so I think you have excellent taste little lady! Thank you Rachelle for sharing this totally adorable little girlie with us! Be sure to pop by Kenziepoo for more of Kenzington and loads of design/style inspiration!