Tag Archives: Smile & Wave blog

Dottie’s Kraft Korner :: Hart & Sew’s Doll Suitcase.

Well, you know we love Rachel Denbow from Smile & Wave. We’ve chatted with her in the past and she featured our girl Alix’s sassy vintage ensembles.

Well, she also hipped us to the perfectly lovely blog of one of my favorite Etsy shops for vintage clothing, Hart & Sew.  Turns out she is also a most marvelously crafty gal. How stupendously amazingly crafty is she?

Exhibit A: doll suitcase.

I know, right?

Doily as rug?  I’m weeping with craft joy here.

Oh wait, where is the doll? Why right here.

And what is a doll without a doll wardrobe. Amirite? Totally.

Errr. This doll is better dressed than me. Dolly, where did you get that sweet gold leather purse?

And your pad, Miss Dolly, is more stylish than my first three apartments!

Oh yeah, that was some deelightful craft porn to inspire me to dust off the old sewing machine and see if I can make magic happen this weekend!

Thanks again, Hart & Sew for raising the crafty bar!