Tag Archives: well dressed kid

Meet Tayvee!


This is Tayvee! She’s almost three years old and lives in Brooklyn, New York. Her marvelous mama, Whitney is the magic maker behind one of my favorite Etsy shops, Little Reader Vintage. And when I saw the pictures of miss Tayvee, I was so excited that I knew you all would love this little lady!
A lot of Tayvee’s clothes are from her mama’s sweet shop, but Whitney also buys her things from other Etsy sellers, thrift stores, Zara, and H&M. Clearly ,it is a grand mix because this little lady has some pretty sweet ensembles!

Tayvee is quite a sophisticated, but fun kiddo who loves to visit museums, parks and zoos. Her favorite animal and best friend (slash sometimes arch-nemesis) is her super fluffy cat, Zooey.

And she inherited her mama’s fabulous style and cuteness to boot!

Tayvee’s favorite activities include: trips to the “donut shop”, riding the trains, reading and re-organizing her book collection, going on bike rides with Mumma and Papa, hosting tea parties, and taking pictures with her toy camera.

She also has an affinity for bouncy balls, preferably ones that light up. Her favorite song is “Sunny Days” (a.k.a. the Sesame Street song) and she sings it religiously every morning when she sees if it’s a “sunny day.” She’s quite the little ham…one of her go-to phrases to get laughs out of adults is “These pretzels are making me thirsty.” (Aww… so cute!)

You are a treasure Tayvee! And thanks for sharing her with us, Whitney!

PS:  Do YOU have a stylish kiddo you’d like to show off? Send ‘em our way! You can find submission details here. We love all kinds of kiddos…. vintage and thrift loving liddles, modern grooviness tots and simply sweet, down-to-earth kiddos.