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Hey everyone! Thank you so much for all your kind words and support. We miss you guys madly, but this break has been a very much needed thing.

We’ve been chatting about Modern Kiddo and figuring out all the things we’d like to do here to keep this space fresh and exciting! Right now we are gearing up for the ALT Design Summit. We’ve been going ever since they launched the event, and have been fortunate to have been asked to speak several times as well. It’s really our favorite conference out there, so much fun and such a colorful, design-loving crowd. This year Alix is speaking again (Dottie decided to take some time off from speaking and just relax and enjoy the event!). Will you be attending? If so, we can’t wait to meet you! We’re still working on our little survey and even have a fun giveaway to encourage you to fill it out. Look for that in a week or two!

Again, thank you so much. We heart you guys!

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