The Besty of Etsy :: Fantastic Toys!

I’m kinda crushing on Fantastic Toys something FIERCE.

Have you seen the cute papery overload that is Fantastic Toys?  How cute you ask? Like sewing machine and iron cute.

Timothy Hauden, the mastermind behind Fantastic Toys sums it up best saying his creations, “bring out the antsy pants feeling of being a kid in a toy store! Whether it may be just a smile or squeals of delight, they make people happy. Inspired by Japanese crafts my kawaii (Japanese for super cute) soft toys are my spin of the indie plush craze.”

I think it would be great to print out a couple and save them for a rainy day this summer. I’m sure a kiddo could spend a couple of hours playing with these beautiful toys. They do involve some help as far as putting them together, but think of it as a great exercise for your older kids to put them together.

Here are my top five reasons for loving this brand:

1) All of the PDFs are under $5.00—talk about affordable!

2) You can buy, download and print it all in less than 10 minutes. Talk about immediate satisfaction!

3) Accidentally rip? Print it out again!

4) Can be taken apart and stored in a folder. Talk about space saving!

5) If your kiddo outgrows it, just pop the paper in your recycling bin.

Truly, they are fantastic toys!

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