The Peach’s Winter Wardrobe.

Has this ever happened to you?

You and your kiddo are just puttering along through fall and all of a sudden you look down at your little one and she’s shivering in a shirt that is too tight and her pants have turned into clamdiggers?


That’s when I decided I needed to go through the Peach’s wardrobe and restock it for the winter.  Out went all of her size 2 summer togs and I pulled out the plastic bag I shoved in her trunk that was full of stuff I bought on sale throughout the past year that was size 3.

It was kinda fun to see what I pulled out and look at the holes I needed to fill.

First off, of course there were vintage dresses.  Oh, the vintage dresses! Not too many but enough to add some nice flair and the Peach does love ’em! It’s one of the best things about the weekly round up.   I’ve always got my eye open for cute outfits and good deals! I try to collect dresses that aren’t too precious and can withstand a day at the park, so I tend to buy a lot of cotton or seventies poly dresses.

I also was given some lovely knit pieces from Tea Collection‘s latest line and the colors are so charming and great for layering a little turtleneck under. The Peach loves the colors and they are so comfy and well made that they can withstand the constant washings of toddler wardrobes.

The Bay Area doesn’t dip below 40 degrees that much, but the weather does change throughout the day, which is why we are big believers in layers. And everyone knows the key to layering is a good sweater.   I have a nice collection of vintage sweaters for the Peach since I don’t have the chops anymore to knit all her sweaters for her any more.

And I must admit, I have a penchant not only for sweaters for sweater dresses. They keep her little bottom extra warm! I collected these friends from our local used children’s clothing shop.

We’ve covered the tops, but what of the bottoms?

Most of her bottoms are a mix of cute pieces I found off of the Mini Social, sent by my Mom, those wonderful leggings I buy off of Ebay for as little as $3 a pair. And jeggings. Yes. Jeggings.  The Peach loves how comfy jeggings are and I think they look great with her little dresses and tunics.  And they are thicker and sturdier than tights but allow easy movement for running around outside.  And if it gets really cold, you can double ’em up! Or add those baby leggings you bought by the ton when your kiddo was three months old.

And of course the seamstress in me wants to knock out a few little jumpers/pinafores to go over her turtlenecks.  I haven’t found a pattern I wanted to try yet, but I might make my own pattern based on this gem from Right Bank Baby I bought from Zulily awhile back.  Very simple and in some nice flannel/corduroy fabrics it could be kinda genius. Stay tuned…

What is your little one wearing this winter?  Any suggestions for keeping the Peach warm? I would love to hear your thoughts and ideas!

10 thoughts on “The Peach’s Winter Wardrobe.

  1. holy moly! i love every bit but especially the vintage dresses of course! scores!! those leggings are the best! harry was sporting his today and i JUST thought i should get the link again for both harry and tova so that was timely! i too am a huge fan of the sweater dress. she is absolutely adorable. i was going to comment a while ago that she is getting so big!!

  2. LOL. Just bought 6 pairs of those cute little leggings for my daughter. LOVE the sweater dresses too. I’ve actually been living in those lately. So comfy with a pair of leggings underneath.

    1. I love the idea of wearing sweater dresses but when I put them on, they always look baggy and clingy at the same time on me. FIE! But I love the idea of them soo much! Esp. with leggings.

  3. I am TOTALLY buying some of those ebay leggings for Bobby- they have some boyish prints too, it appears. And those vintage dresses- love them! Excited to see that it looks like the blue and white beauty will fit her this winter!!

  4. I’m in Florida, so it’s only recently gotten cool, but I’ve been going for the leggings/jeggings on bottom and vintage dress on top for my 2 year old, too. And we can never have enough sweaters for sure. Like you, we always have to dress in layers! I love your little vintage dress collection!

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