Vintage Kiddo Retro Round Up!

Oh my–did you have an amazing weekend? I did–the weather was perfection and I have had so much fun enjoying that extra hour of sleep every morning thanks to Daylight Savings Time.  While I wasn’t looking over my ballot to vote tomorrow, I did spend a wee bit of time finding some vintage goodies to share with you!

Um… WHOA! Now, that’s a sweet little stripey coat.  I’d totally rock that if I fit a 3T… From Etsy seller, Potato Cake Vintage.

With snow season officially on us, it is best to be prepared and buy these awesome vintage ice skates NOW! Heck, they wold even look amazing just on the wall! From Etsy seller UDA Kids.

Every now and then I find something that is so perfect for someone that I just have to yell it from the Interwebs rooftop.  Jody! This sweet vintage robot pajamas set for $10 must be bought by you.  From Etsy seller,  Toadstool Vintage.

This wonderful little dressie is so charming.  It’s the little posy that makes me so happy! From Etsy seller, Baby Tweeds.

These plaid pants are so awesome they almost cause me physical pain.  Someone please buy them! From Etsy seller,  Sweet Shop Vintage.

This coat. On this girl? Adorable.  And  hello–it’s green velvet! What is not to love? From Etsy seller, Salvage House.

ZOMG! Do you remember these? They were so much fun! And now your kiddo could have them too! I remember using Hawaiian Punch big cans and making them myself. I don’t even know if they still make those big canned drinks. Sigh! From Etsy seller, the Robot Parade.

Have you ever seen such a wonderfully winsome widdle lion? I know. Adorable. From Etsy seller, Dahlia Daffodil.

Etsy seller, Cheaper Buy the Dozen has perfect vintage kiddo book bundles at great prices–like this one. Terrific if you are dipping your toe in the water of vintage books.

I know, this hat is kinda crazy. But kinda crazy awesome too! From Etsy seller, Henny Renee.

Happy Monday!

6 thoughts on “Vintage Kiddo Retro Round Up!

  1. That coat is aaaaamaaaazing! I totally had those yellow cans with the green strings for walking. Loved ’em.

    Isobel recently asked me for roller skates. Yes. She’s only three so she’s a bit young but she specifically wants rollerskates, not rollerblades. I’m keeping an eye out for some cute vintage ones.

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