Step right up folks, it’s time once again for the Modern Kiddo Costume Parade! We said wanted to see yer best homemade costumes—and you delivered! Of course I should have known that Modern Kiddo readers are a talented bunch and you guys turned it out with some spectacular and creative costumes. Let’s take a look at some of this year’s fantastic creations!
We begin with a BANG!
It’s a jolly holiday indeed when you have someone like Ashley from Make It Love It on your team. WOW just check out this AMAZING Mary Poppins costume!
As if this weren’t enough, she whipped together a simply adorable Bert costume too! You can even see how she made it right here.
Next up! My little Pinata! Wolfie made a smash the previous year when he went as a meatball so we knew we wanted to do something equally fun the next year. A pinata was just the ticket! We made the entire thing out of a carbbord box and lots of tissue paper (the head was tricky but I love how it turned out!).
My friend Heather (@heather_rome) is a wildly talented stylist—so it should come as no surprise that her cool boy Cash turned it out with this bananas KISS costume! The question is, does he want to rock-n-roll all night, or trick-or-treat???? Hmmmm.
Oh little Luna! Amanda of Elksan’s sweet girl is the cutest little kitty cat lamby we ever did see! {That sweet “fur”? A handmade Markham Loop Collar from Good Night Day}
Cutie pie Aidan went as a lovely Monarch Butterfly. Her daddy made the mask and mama Tara whipped together six layers of tulle for the skirt. So adorable!
Two all beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles onions on sesame seed toddler! Marie’s sweet little man Timmy makes the most delicious little cheeseburger, no??
Wolfie’s school friend Alyssa went as this super cool donut! They simply painted an inner tube and added beads as “sprinkles”! GENIUS!!
OOMPAH LOOPMAH LOOMPAH DEE DOOOO! Look at Beth’s two awesome kiddos, Oliver and Violet. I’m not sure what I love more, their sweet names or those fun little overalls!
I don’t know about you, but Minecraft is alllll the rage over here. Clever Stephanie (of MaeDae) crafted up these amazing Minecraft costumes for her kiddos Gavin and Guini. I bet these were a smash success!
Modern Kiddo fave Billy went as a Zombie from “Plants vs. Zombies”. This stylish lad went to the thrift shop with his mama Gabrielle and picked the suit and tie as he wanted them just right! Fabulous!
Brother Arlo wanted to be a Skeleton Fire Pterodactyl so Garbielle sewed him up a crazy red suit with a gold felt skeleton and a matching head piece. So cool!
I love group costumes and oh my goodness, Miss Jill of kitchenfunwithmy3sons is the MASTER!! Just look at this amazing Camping themed group—vintage trailer! Campfire! Wee little marshmallow! LOVE IT! You must visit her site to see their costumes over the years, truly amazing!
TOTORO!!!! The lovely Erin (of Swonderland) turned a simple hoodie + felt + hot glue into an adorable costume for sweet Clark. LOVE!
Aww look how cute adorable Judah is as the Space Shuttle?? I LOVE these kinds of costumes! His sweet mama Jess (of My Little Mustache) crafted this stylish suit up. 3-2-1 BLAST OFF to CUTENESS!
Instagrammer @ritabellekane turned her cutie Evan into the happiest lil cotton candy girl. Adorable!
Hee hee. Sarah is so awesome. We love Wes Anderson around here, so you can bet I was giggling over her twin girls as Sam and Suzy from Moonrise Kingdom!
I was totally smitten with my fab friend @mizlandry‘s daughter Audrey as this sassy Zombie! Â Stylishly ghoulish!
My lovely friend Kristi (@kristimontague) whipped together this amazing Max and Carol ensemble for her two cute Wild Things. Grrrreat!

Our pal Beth (of fuzzymamavintage) said her sweet son Harrison wanted to be James Bond— so her hubby spiffed up his tuxedo with a jet pack. It’s so Thunderball!!  We say, double-oh-YEAH BABY!
The awesome Jenn (of The Blueberry Hill) said she was inspired by one of our past Modern Kiddo Costume Parades to make this fabulous California Roll costume for her cool son Max! I love it! Hey Max! Wasssssabi!
Heather’s (@heather_rome)Â family is always so creative….remember Mr. KISS from earlier in this post? Well take a look at this! Cash has traded in the platform boots for a Krazy Klown get up (EEK!) brother Dax is Anubis (the jackal-headed Egyptian god of the afterlife!) and sweet lil Penelope is PUNKY BREWSTER (so stinkin’ cute!). AW yeah!
Our cute pal Jody’s awesome girls Gillian and Eliza went as Jake and Izzy of Neverland Pirate fame. I gotta say that these little ladies are adarrrrrrrrrrgh-able!!!
Kristy (of thriftyvintagekitten) turned out a very sweet Little Red Riding Hood for her little girl! She crocheted the little red hooded capelet and found a perfect  dress in her vintage stash. Adorable!
Enzo and his mamas are just too clever! I was loving their Harry Potter outfits (with moms Colleen and Adrienne as Snape and Macgonnagal!) but then their super fab Scooby Doo Crew totally had me grinning. That FRED!
Last year when sweet Suzy was 7 months pregnant, her son was really into the Peanuts gang. So what did they do? Oh, just a really really cute Charlie Brown-themed family costume. And guess who was the Great Pumpkin?!? Â Ha! Too cute!
Kim’s little man Thomas was obsessed with owls. So this crafty gal took some brown felt scraps, yarn from the stash and a souped-up stocking cap to create this sweet costume. Word on the street is that Thomas was owlfully proud.
Last year my friend Katrina won me over with her son Ewan’s super sweet “Sheet Ghost” costume. This year she (and Ewan!) didn’t disappoint. “I want my mummy!!!!”
Little Graham was not to be outdone. Katrina took a thrifted speckled sweater, beanie from target, and then crocheted a scarf and pom pom… make the cutest lil Sock Monkey EVER!
Kristen (of RobotParadeVintage) always turns it out. In past parades, her son has been a rockin’ Macguyver, a super rad Transformer….and now check this out! A BATTERY!! We say Double AA+!!!
We’ll close with two of my Kiddo Parade All Star favorites. First up is the magnificent Bela! She’s the daughter of  amazing designer Karen (mishalulu!). You probably remember her brilliant “Alice in Wonderland Outgrowing her House” costume….SO GOOD. Now check out this simply fantastic Amelia Earhart!!
I mean, HOW creative and fun?? We just adore Miss Bela.
Speaking of creative and fun, one of my other favorite kiddos is the very clever Sayer, son of talented artist Kristin (KLT Works). Check out THIS artistic family! Sayer was a fabulous Oompah Loompah, his papa was Wonka…..and Kristin? Oh, just an adorable WONKA BAR. Love it!
Kristin was kind enough to give us a sneak peek at this year’s costume—Abe Lincoln! Sayer read that Lincoln was nearly 7 feet tall with this trademark stovepipe hat, so he wanted a hat that would make HIM seven feet tall too! hahaha. What a kiddo!! {here he is at the roller rink….I’m dying….}
WHEW! Well that’s all folks…..what an astounding array of costumes, no?? Thank you so so much to everyone who participated! My in box was bursting at the seams with all this DIY goodness!! {OH! and if you sent me something and you aren’t seeing it here, do shoot me a note! It’s possible it just got lost in the email vortex. We want to make sure everyone who wants to join the parade can!}
{PS Wanna see what Wolfie went as this year?? Pop on my instragram feed @galexina!}