Dottie’s Kraft Korner :: Japanese Craft Books

For the true crafty mama out there, there is always another project on the horizon. Something new to discover. A new craftastic goodie that you can spend hours working on once your little one is in bed.  And it is not just one craft–oh no. Our obsession leaves no corner of Michael’s unscathed!  Knitting? Sure! Crochet? Bring it! Sewing? Natch! Scrapbooking? In my sleep.

And what keeps us crafters going? A good daily dose of craft porn. Like this:

My craft brethren, let me show you my new favorite place for it.

Japanese craft books.

I mean, how can you not go out and spend $190 in 15 minutes with a list of items to finish something as yummy as these boo boo koot elephants–oh, look one is sleeping.

Did your heart just go pitter patter? Mine did!

Japan, how can you turn something as simple as a bag into this crazytown cute item as this:

Image: Mwenda’s Posterous

Just stop. Stop it, Japan. How do you expect me to sleep at night knowing that I could be making this bunny with bunny slippers instead of counting sheep?

Image: Etsy seller, MeMe Craftwork

Speaking of slippers. I want to make wear these so badly… OK, I do want to make them too….

Image: Etsy seller, MeMe Craftwork

Japan, you clearly want me to spend my child’s college fund buying these craft books, don’t you?

Oh, and of course you have a book about making clothes for Blythe dolls… Of course. And I know you all read Alix’s article in Maeve, so you are already putting bids on these dolls and now you’ll need to clothe them. Really, I’m just helping you…

I mean, really… I can’t stand it, Little Red in embroidery land?

Image: I Love Crochet

Oh and get a load of this bucket of craft gorgeousness in dress smocking.  I’m crying here.  I actually did buy a couple of the books.  Like Girly Style Wardrobe. Really, how could I not buy a book called Girly Style. Oh, Japan, you know me so well!

Mommy & Me outfits? Check! It had to be gingham. What is there not to love here?

I’ll take a basket of baby, please. Make that two.

Well, now that my head has just gone kablooey with all of this crafty goodness, I’m going to run out to these Etsy sellers and start buying ’em up. Here are my top three favorite Japanese craft book dealers on Etsy:

Yeah, I did call them dealers because they deal in CRAFT CRACK! That’s what these books are. Evil evil time sucks that have me breaking into a sweat until I’m clutching one in my hot little hands. Sorry. I want to buy them all!

OK–I’ll leave some for you all… Because I love you that much!

Smooches, sweeties! And I’d love to know if anyone out there has made items from these darling books. Sertyan has! And our girl Alicia has too. Anyone else?

14 thoughts on “Dottie’s Kraft Korner :: Japanese Craft Books

  1. Cute post! love this!
    I just bought the Girly Style Wardrobe book….very sweet. Unfortunately it will have to sit on the “things to make one day ” pile, while I finish the projects I’ve already started.

  2. Elethea–I’m right there with you. Normal patterns boggle my mind, so I’m sure these Japanese pattern books will have me weeping in despair. But boy are those pictures pretty pretty pretty!

    And Amy Rose–I’m am so excited for you to go to Japan and buy EVERY SINGLE CRAFT MAG you can find.

    Oh Syney-What is it about the felt projects in particular. My sweetie just demanded I make those penguins. He’s so funny like that!

    Alix–It is craft crack–that’s what they are peddling. Worse than girl crack to me!

  3. Hi Dottie,
    Thank you for mentioning my almost-smocked dress in this post, really appreciate it. Yes, Japan produces so many craft books, I am in danger of being a book junkie myself!

  4. My eyes are burning with Penguin Cuteness!!! Where is that first picture from? (Although maybe it is best if you don’t tell me). And the elephants are a little too adorable – they would make a lovely mobile in a nursery!

  5. Melanie–I like your genius thinking about the elephant mobile. The picture is from Craft Magazine. Here is the link: and that links to the following Etsy site, however, I’m not sure it is still there… But there is a whole bucket full of cuteness in the form of other craft books on her site. Good luck, Miss Lady with the Penguins and if you do end up doing it, let me know–we’ll happily feature them here!

  6. Sertyan–oh no. That link is just bananas. I see many many hours flashing before me in the blink of an eye on this site.

    Heather–I feel you on the elephants. Is it wrong that I’m excited about free time to craft! Enjoy back to school yumminess!

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