Real Life :: When Your Kiddo Hates Costumes.

It’s true. I’m a mama who love to dress up. Like this:

And like this:

As a result, Halloween has always been one of my favorite times of year. When I found out I was having a little boy, I was so excited about all the dress-up possibilities. I had visions of making him superhero capes…astronaut outfits…cool pirate getups. The works! Yet life clearly has a sense of humor, because I was blessed with the world’s most adorable child…who hated costumes. He’s an impossibly good natured boy— happily wearing any outfit I put on him. Except, of course, when that outfit might involve a character.

It all began with Wolfie’s strict NO HATS policy as a baby. Wait, no hats? What what? He’s a baby! How can he hate hats? Trust me.

When Wolfie was one, I bought a little prefab puppy dog outfit for Halloween. But because that seemed just a leetle bit boring on it’s own, I  made Greg dress up like a Westminster Dog Show handler—with Wolfie as his prize-winning pooch! Since Wolfie was still so little and liked to be carried around, they made an awesome pair.

Except my sad little pup refused to wear the “hood” that had the puppy head on it. Too much like a hat, of course.

At least I managed to sneakily draw a little nose and whiskers on him and he still looked pretty adorable.

The next year I got him the cutest little cowboy outfit…it came with wee chaps, a cowboy shirt and a super sweet lil vest. I didn’t even try and add a cowboy hat, but I figured this outfit was pretty much like regular clothes. Easy peasy, right? WRONG. What I neglected to remember was that Wolfie is a very proper little man and he liked his jackets and hoodies zipped up. And a vest? Well it’s like a perpetually “open” jacket. Yeah the vest? He didn’t like it ONE BIT.

He threw himself on the ground like a cartoon character, sobbing. Keep in mind that normally Wolfie was the sweetest, most low-drama kiddo around. Greg and I looked at each other half laughing and half shaking our heads….like “Really? You’re going to throw yourself on the ground over a VEST?” Thankfully he gets over things pretty quickly and once the offending vest was removed, he was all sunshine again.

The next year I had a great plan….and seemingly Wolfie-proof! Greg and I would go as Mr. & Mrs. Frankenstein—and Wolfie? He would be the Crazy Mad Scientist. Genius, right? All he’d have to do was wear a wee little lab coat (buttoned all the way up, of course) and make his hair all crazy. It was the perfect plan. Greg looked great.

I even left Wolfie help me put on my “spooky” eye make up so he wouldn’t be scared—this was a huge success.

But when it came time for his own costume, well…once again, you can see how Wolfie felt about all this:

I explained to him that Halloween was all about dressing up, and if he didn’t like the Mad Scientist outfit he could really be anything he wanted to. After some thought he declared. “I wanna be a punkin.” I was a little floored. “Um…..a pumpkin?” “Yes. Punkin, mama.” My costume-adverse child goes and picks the roundest, poofiest costume around?? “Wolfie, you know a pumpkin is very round, right? Are you sure you want to be a pumpkin?” “YES. PUNKIN.” OK. So I have to admit that I was totally a terrible mom and thought this was a lame costume idea (I know, I KNOW), but I wanted him to be happy, so a pumpkin it was. I searched high and low for a non-poofy pumpkin costume and FINALLY found one (it ain’t easy, folks). I came home triumphant. YES! Wolfie will be so excited! Except……

Oy! I can’t lie. It became a Battle Royale. He was going to wear that freakin’ pumpkin costume if it killed me. I finally calmed him down and like all savvy moms…..I negotiated a bribe. “Listen. If you wear the costume, I’ll give you something. Something good.” His ears perked up. “What?” he sniffled. “Um…you can have some chips.” Yes. I know. Bribing with snacks. What can I say? I was desperate. And Wolfie’s a salty boy, so this worked better than the promise of chocolate. With a sigh, he was resigned to his fate:

The final verdict: “I’ll wear it. But I won’t like it.”

By the next day (which was actually Halloween) he had a miraculous change of heart and happily wore Ze Pumpkin. Hallelujah!

Oh my silly little Wolfie. I’m happy to report the last two years were amazingly struggle free and he has decided costumes (and HATS!) are A-OK. His friend Emmy got him into Pokemon and decided he wanted to be Pikachu. Not only did he wear the outfit, he wore the kooky hat dealie too! Whooo hoo! It was a cheap-ass flamable costume, but HE WAS WEARING A COSTUME. Listen, I’ll take what I can get. And apparently this is a rather “rare” costume, and he got lots of props from the big kids who all shouted at him, “We chose YOU Pikachu!” He was beaming.

Last year he continued the Pokemon theme and dressed up as Pikachu (again) at school and as Ash, Pikachu’s owner, on Halloween proper.

This year Wolfie is plotting yet another action hero character (Ben 10, anyone?). I do my best to suggest crafty, cute things, but ultimately I just want my boy to be happy and feel great in his costume—which means he gets to choose. Hey, I’m just happy he’s enjoying the fun of dressing up. I have a feeling it’s going to be a fun Halloween, ya’ll.

PS Don’t forget we’re looking for great costume photos! Send me your best (or worst!) home made halloween costumes! Read more about it here. We’ll be posting them all in a fun Costume Parade next week! You can send them to Alix [at] modernkiddo[dot] com.

Besty of Etsy: TeenyBunny

Uh oh, bank account. You might have met your match with Etsy shop,  TeenyBunny

You see, I have a little thing for vintage-inspired clothing. Shocker, right?

But imagine these vintage inspired clothes made out of oh so cozy knits that are washer friendly and don’t need to be ironed?

Checkmate, bank account.

And TeenyBunny also have darling sassy modern designs that are wonderfully fun. And totally wearable. I have such a weakness for lovely lovely dressies that are feminine and sweet, but not a single piece of lace (not that there is anything wrong with lace–trust me…)

Oh, but this one… With the sleeves. J’adore… They say God is in the details… Well those are some seriously holy sleeves.

And a darling little joke in a cuff.  Like this mustache dress.

But I still love the vintage style dressies. Like these sassy flapper style duo made especially for twins.

Sorry, bank account…

Call for Kiddos! Show Us Your Homemade Halloween Costumes!

image: picture perfect (most amazing vintage Rainbow Brite costume ever!)

Growing up, my parents were always big on the homemade costume. There was rarely sewing involved, but my folks were masters at embellishing stuff we had around the house in a spectacular way. Take a basic dress, add a spanish scarf, some boots, loads of mom’s costume jewellrey—VOILA! I was a gypsy! Take some overalls, cut up dad’s old plaid shirt and make a little satchel of treats on a stick? BAM! We got ourselves a hobo. My parents were really creative and I still love seeing what people whip together for their little ones. Sometimes the homemade costume turns out amazingly well and then sometimes….welllllll, not so much. But there is something undeniably charming about doin’ it your own way.

Which leads me to this: we want to see YOUR homemade kiddo costumes. And let’s be clear, we’ll take it all! Perhaps you made something so stinkin’ cute you got compliments everywhere you went. Or maybe things didn’t work out QUITE the way you expected (a la Dottie’s spectacular Craft Fail—which I thought was pretty adorable anyway). Either way, we want to see ’em all. Don’t be shy—the good, the bad, the ugly are all welcome. I’ll post them on Modern Kiddo in a Costume Parade photo gallery the week before Halloween to offer inspiration—and perhaps a little “what not to do”—to all of our beloved readers. What are you waiting for? Send me those photos!! Email one or two (or three) photos to: Alix [at]

Spread the word and TWEET IT!
Call for costume on @modernkiddo! Send ’em yer best/worst homemade kiddo costume!

Hurrah for the Vintage Kiddo Monday Retro Round-up!

How on Earth did it become October so quickly?  Well, add to your Monday to do list getting pumpkins and I’ll start the Monday Retro round up with some plaid!

EBay seller, New Daily called this darling plaid dress something out of Buffy from Family Affair’s closet, and I have to agree with that one. With built in neck scarf to boot.

We know military style is all the rage on the runways, but this little vintage boys coat is quite the trend on. But more importantly, it is totally stinky cute! From Etsy seller, Little Yah.

Now this little faux vestie with the dressie is just super fun! From eBay seller Jewal, who has a slew of darling girlie bits.

How much do you love this bright orange vintage HealthTex jumper with the bird. I mean, really. REALLY–check out that bird! From eBay seller Perfect Will.

This goldenrod boys plaid shirt is so early 1960s that is kinda blows my mind.  Such simple lines and would be terrific with cuffed jeans and some Converse sneakers. Quite a gem from eBay Snoopery.

Red patent leather belt and red piping? On this little girl’s dress? Too much.  Just too much. Another gem from eBay seller Zeke989.

Now this sweet little daffodil dress is a show stopper. That print on the skirt is so neo-colonial early 1960’s, yes?   I have a real love for that charming 1950s colonial style print. I call it the “I Love Lucy Westport” years style.  All the dress needs is a faux spinning wheel… From eBay seller, Sales by Trudy.

A is for apple. And applique–which makes these pants doubly awesome what with the apple applique on the leg. From Etsy seller, Swan Valley, who also has a wonderful collection of retro-style aprons to boot!

I’m completely in love with this emo baby boy blue sweater.  I love Miss Lish’s stuff–I even adore that blue Swedish horse tablecloth that you use on the background.

You have to adore this sweet little vintage pleated skirt. The pattern is just perfection. And bonus–big girl size to boot! From Etsy seller, Sammy Lee Vintage.

And lastly, how could I not include a wee bit of Halloweenery?  Our girl Heather at Etsy shop, 3 Ring Circus has these Franken-fabulous Halloween trick or treat bags! Boy, I remember these so well–you knew you hit the right house, when you were presented with one of these bags full of sugary goodies!

Speaking of Halloween, get ready for some great tricks and treats from us this month. Alix and I have been buzzing on our editorial calendar and I think you all are guaranteed some extra fun Halloween inspired posties coming up this month. Hurrah!

Meet Billy! Our Weekly Kiddo.

Howdy, howdy, howdy friends! So I had to jet down to LA after work yesterday for a mad-dash 24 hour trip. (We were doing all our color correction for my Prague spots as well as recording Ron Livingston for our VO. Yup, the same Ron from Office Space—and Berger from Sex in the City. He has an incredible voice and was totally down to earth (drove a Prius, doncha know). Anyway, I’m back home and utterly pooped…and remembered, “Shoot! It’s Friday tomorrow!!! That means Weekly Kiddo!” I can’t lie, it’s tough sometimes juggling life, work  and blog, but I have to tell you Modern Kiddo never fails to make me smile. As I pulled up this week’s cutie, I just couldn’t stop grinning. Lemme tell you, this little lad is a heartbreaker with a capital “H” my friends. He’s 4-year-old Billy from Auckland, New Zealand his style is very rock-n-roll, comfy cool. He’s awesome!

+ Union Jack Hoodie, Cotton On Kids
+ Skinny Jeans,  JK
+ Biker Boots

+ Tee Rock your Baby
+ Slim Slacks, upcycled from men’s thrifted pants . Check out the awesome tutorial from This Mama Makes Stuff  here
+ Boots, Cotton On Kids

+ Fedora, Cotton On Kids
+ Tee,  Stardust
+ Pants, upcycled from thrifted mens cords with a vintage badge
+ Shoes, Converse

We chatted with Billy’s awesome mama Gabrielle who told us a little bit about Billy’s style:

When we first discovered we were having a boy (after two girls!) we despaired at the range of clothing. It seemed the choices were camo, polar fleece trackies or appliqued pastel animals! I ended up making lots of his clothes by upcycling thrifted clothes and using vintage patterns and fabrics. Over the last 5 years we have worked out how to dress a stylish wee boy, which is lucky because he now has a 20 month brother Arlo. Thankfully there are a lot more people making funky boys clothing, both here and in Australia. His wardrobe is a mix of smaller labels, basics from the bigger chains, some thrifted and vintage items and still quite a lot of upcycled clothes. Billy always likes to look funky and from the time he could walk and talk would go to his wardrobe and select just the right shoes. He still likes to accessorise with the perfect hat!

+ Fedora, Cotton On Kids
+ Hoodie, Minti
+ Jeans, Ouch
+ Biker boots

+ Pirate hat the Fairy Shop
+ Bear tee, Scooter
+ Pants, JK
+ Shoes, rainbow striped Cons

+ Hat, upcycled from a thrifted blanket (I also sell them through this store)
+ Jacket, Cotton On Kids
+ Tee, K-Mart following the Rolling Stones tour here
+ Star tee, U+ Baby
+ Jeans, Pumpkin Patch

+ Bomber Jacket, Cotton On Kids added thrifted Vintage Red Cross Badge
+ Transformer tee, Cotton On Kids
+ Shorts, Pumpkin Patch
+ Tights, K-Mart
+ Biker boots

+ Fedora $2 shop
+ Singlet,  Minti
+ Jeans, Pumpkin Patch
+ Riding Boots McKinlays

I’m dying over this boy’s mad style. He’s like a little Johnny Depp in training! Billy’s mum tells us his favourite things are drawing, playing Lego, dressing up, going to cafe’s—one of his favourites has an old school pinball machine you can play on. He also loves hanging out in his big sister’s room listening to her music.

Billy’s favourite day is Monday which is known as Boy Monday. After walking his 8-yr old sister Harriet to school the rule is: no errands and no housework. Billy gets to choose what they will do for the day until school pick up—sometimes it is visiting the library and a cafe, or going on a train, ferry and bus adventure or sometimes hanging out at home baking and playing Legos. I gotta say I LOVE the idea of Boy Monday! Gabrielle your boy is crazy adorable and sweet as can be. Thank you so much for sharing Billy with us!

Do YOU have an adorable kiddo you’d like to share with us? Send your photos to me: Alix [at] modernkiddo [dot] com! Happy Friday everyone!