TGIVM! Thank Goodness its Vintage Monday! Retro Round Up.

Happy Monday, everyone! Did you all have a wonderful weekend? We did! I know Alix spent the majority of hers huggin’ on her guys after her looooonng trip to Prague.  I spent a bit of this weekend with the Peach at her first swimming lessons.  Since we live in a seaside town, it makes sense to know how to swim.  I wish I bought some of those on sale bathing suits from awhile back. Sigh!

But I am super excited about this week’s grand selection!

This vintage girls red white ruffled dress.  From eBay Zeke989.  I think it looks exactly like what the youngest girl, X in the Partridge family would have worn!  Tambourine not included.

I think this boys winter coat is perfect for going into fall and is lined with fur. New with tags and in a big boy size of 10/12 to boot! From eBay seller Magnolia’s Vintage.

What is there not to love about this great vintage cardigan? The sweet detailing would be great with any outfit. I love girly stuff that isn’t lacy or pink and this sweet cardi fits the bill perfectly! From eBay seller, finer with age.

Vintage letterman sweater? Yes please! And this is too cute for works. Perfect for a little one names Taylor, or Tom, or Tiffany.  Or Wolfie…  From eBay seller, kjtoys.

Someone needs to make these again because they are adorable. Vintage rubber cowboy rain boots. Nuff said. From eBay seller eegnats.

You know I can’t get enough plaid, but a yellow plaid is particularly wonderful in skirt form. Imagine with little yellow clogs. aah!!!! From Etsy seller, Poppy&Bean.

Bunnies, ruffles, gingham aren’t enough–well then let’s just add a little bow to the bunny. Like they did with this vintage baby outfit.  I’m in love. From our girl, Heather at 3 Ring Circus!

Pumpkin perfect little patchwork jumper.  It just screams fall school days to me. Dontcha think?From Etsy seller,  Ms. Tips!

These vintage toddler stripey mary janes shoesies make me smile just looking at them. Now imagine a sweet snuggly little baby’s chubby foot in it.  Ah, that’s the stuff!  From Etsy seller, Woolly Mammoth Vintage.

This red white and blue elephant romper is killer.  It must be summer somewhere.   From Etsy seller, Fun with Puns.

The days are getting shorter and cooler–which means inside crafts. And Lishyloo has this grand vintage craft book that just looks so good that you better buy it before I do!

Happy Monday, everyone!

Guest Post: Pilgrim Lee of Draw! Pilgrim

Hi gang! I’m just back in from Prague…we had a spectacular time. It’s so good to be home, but I do miss that pretty city. As you guys know, we usually do our Weekly Kiddo on Fridays, but I’m CRAZY jet lagged (we had a 4am pick up at our hotel. D-Y-I-N-G). My fabulous friend Pilgrim has graciously offered up a fantastic Guest Post to help me out. THANK YOU lovely Pilgrim! We have been so lucky to have such a cool collection of Guest Bloggers over here! And never fear, Weekly Kiddo will be back in full force next week. I have some super kiddos in the works. xo Alix

hello modern kiddo readers! this is pilgrim and i’m honoured to be guest posting for modern kiddo today. while alix is off galavanting around Prague, i thought it would be fun to show you around my son donovan’s bedroom. donovan’s room had an upgrade earlier this year to celebrate his move from baby guy to fully fledged kiddo and i’ll share some of my decorating tips with you. first, what did his room look like before?

it was a very nice calm and minimal baby’s room. i went with an aqua, lime, and orange palette largely inspired by the rug you see. the changing table was the same one i was changed on when i was a baby, and it was made by my great grandfather during the depression (from orange crates). don’t worry, the cabinet has been moved into another room where it will take on its seventh life as a guitar bench. so what does the room look like now?

TA-DA! working from left to right we have: ikea storage ‘bins’ holding toys and supplies (painted in nippon paints ‘bamboo’ color), a secondhand sideboard scored from my friend’s shop (the top was pretty rough so it got a lick of paint – ‘satsuma’ by nippon paint, to be precise), the print on the wall above the sideboard is by shinzi katoh, and the smaller print on the wall is ‘gama go’s critter boat’ by tim biskup.

the bed was the first ‘new’ thing i bought. i found it in a thrift store and thought it was such a sweet, perfect ‘first proper bed’. from that point i put the room together really gradually. i think this is important when creating a room because its not something you should be redoing too often so it deserves consideration. having said that, i don’t like rooms that look as though they’re arrived fully formed. there needs to be room for growth and general ‘living’ in rooms – after all, none of us live in a catalog or magazine spread! the way i worked the room out was by having a folder on my desktop and a photoshop file that i used as a digital mood board. i took photos of what we already had (the prints, the clock, the chair) and then worked out a palette and ‘theme’ (i was inspired by the yellowing colorful illustrations in vintage kid’s encyclopedias) and then added the other furniture as i discovered it. i would search very generally on etsy and ebay for fabrics etc using very general terms that fit my theme, eg ‘vintage woodland,’ and if i found something intriguing i’d drag the pictures into my mood board to see if they worked. it was just trial and error and patience and some luck too. i enjoy putting rooms together so much, and this was such a special project. i adored my bedrooms growing up, and i wanted this extra special first ‘big kid’ room to be as fun and cute as it was functional. storage was an extra special consideration seeing as previously all the toys had lived in our lounge room!

so after i worked out i was going for a vintage woodland, nature kinda theme, i could not believe it when i found this sheet on etsy! its a smokey the bear single sheet, in great condition, that i’ve turned into a duvet cover. its got that lovely soft vintage sheet feeling, but i sewed it to a new plain white sheet to give it some extra thickness . i still can’t believe my luck! my son loves pointing out the animals on the sheet and reading all the fire safety messages. the cushions are ‘orla kiely for target’ napkins set i picked up on ebay. the colors and the cross-hatched pattern really work with the vintage illustration style of the smokey sheet, don’t you think? i think regardless of what room you’re decorating in it’s important to think laterally and be creative about the things you use. napkins can be cushion covers, tea towels make sweet curtains and furniture can serve several purposes.

for example, my sons’s clothing and some games etc now live in a secondhand sideboard. the sideboard was a real score. my friend was closing down her shop to set off on a world adventure, and so i kindly offered to relieve her of her shop counter, and here it is! a freshly painted top, and a new lease on life. being flexible with how you use furniture can make thrifting a viable decorating option, and i think in this room’s case it’s a piece of furniture my son can grow with. here is one of my woodland patchwork prints in its natural habitat! also pictured is a leaf print by ubiki, from etsy.

the bedtime story chair has a very new and lovely cushion on it from arthur’s circus! the chair and the bed frame are both painted in nippon paint’s ‘wainscot’ color. its a nice, very 70s brown. the chair was one of my grandma’s kitchen chairs, so its really cool that it gets such an important role in this room.

and finally, on the wall at the foot of the bed, by the doorway, we have a little cluster of art wall goodness. a collection of printe from the dreamy lab partners, as well as the matte stephens ‘bear monster’ print, frame the ‘moon in my room’ light. father christmas brought my son the moon last december and so every night we check out what phase the moon is in, and adjust the light accordingly. it makes a really pretty nightlight and educational tool.

as i mentioned, a lot of the things we already had around the house, and the other furniture brought in is half ikea, half secondhand, so i’m quite happy with the thriftiness vs practicalness balance.

and there we have it: from nursery to four years old! my son loves his room and even after a couple of months of it being all set up he’s still thrilled to have a room of his own with character and interest, and that’s the big triumph for me.

Etsy Faves Heidi & Finn

As you know, I’m very committed to making the Peach’s clothes for Fall. I think sewing little dresses will help quell my fear of sewing bigger dresses for moi.   There are so many grand patterns out there for the wee ones, but I found some particularly delicious patterns that from my newest obsession, Etsy shop, Heidi & Finn. And I think you’ll like them too!

For example, I’m going to make this pinafore top for the Peach–like four of ’em!  That pleated pocket detail is just darling!

And next summer, I’m making four of these great tops out of linen for the Peach, so she won’t burn up. Sigh…the Peach is so pale.  We call her the mushroom baby–she lives away from the sun!

Oh and then there is this ruffle jumper–such a nice twist on the standard one.

Speaking of nice twists on standard style,  this great pant pattern with a cool pleat detail fits that bill too. I’m sensing a great theme here…

Oh, and the coats. The yummy wearable coats.

I am head over heels with the wearability of this wrap yoga sweater.

Now I must admit that I’m always impressed when I see cool patterns for boys clothing.  And Heidi & Finn doesn’t disappoint on this front.  Like this slim fit military style shirt for boys. And this great unisex hoodie is adorable.  Just change the button and fabric choices and you got a sweet outfit for your boy to boot.

But here are the top three reasons why I’m so bananas for this brand:

  1. They are available as PDFs, so talk about instant gratification! You can make one of the patterns tonight if you wanted to.
  2. A lot of these patterns use knits, which is so great for that cozy factor we love for kid’s clothing, plus easy wash and wear.
  3. These patterns have two special magic words on them that make my heart flutter just reading them: “EASY. SEW”.

Not a seamstress? Not a problem! They also have an Etsy shop of finished items from their collection. Including this little gem which is so much fun and perfect for parties–wearable cozy yet effortlessly charming/borderline fancy.

So, I’m off to purchase the 4 patterns for $21 special they are running right now!

Guest Blogger: Steph from Bondville.

Hello there, Kiddos! it’s Steph Bond from Bondville and Alix asked me if I could do a guest post for you all.  I always get a thrill when I see a Weekly Kiddo wearing Australian designs. There are a *huge* amount of talented kids fashion designers in Australia and many of these hard-working entrepreneurs are Mums, working their butts off. So in celebration of the little guy/gal, and the dreams and determination of these folks, here is a showcase of 5 of my favourite Australian kids fashion designers:

Olive’s Friend Pop
If you love the nostalgic sweetness of the 1940’s, then the sweet-as-pie designs from Sydney-based Olive’s Friend Pop are for you. These are hard-working, stylish pieces that your parents (and grandparents) will love too. You can find Sydney-based Olive’s Friend Pop at stockists around Australia, online and in South Korea.

LUV Child
Brisbane label LUV Child launched to much acclaim at markets in Australia last year, immediately capturing everyone’s attention with lace capped tanks, bloomers and angel wings for little angels.The LUV in LUV Child stands for Little Urban Vintage which perfectly describes the collection. You can find LUV Child in the label’s E-Boutique.

This one is a bit special. Paperwings is the lovechild of movie costume designers (Moulin Rouge, Star Wars, Peter Pan) Jason Gibaud and Michelle Fallon, based in northern NSW. Each piece is theatrical and yet made for play. Truly head-turning. You can find Paperwings at various stockists internationally and you can view their collections on their gorgeous Website (a highly recommended experience for a hit of creative inspiration).

Tutu du Monde
“Dancing Dresses” are major at our place, so I thought a Tutu du Monde dress would be perfect for my big girl’s 3rd birthday. She hasn’t taken it off since! Tutu du Monde dresses are simply divine works of art (and a welcome alternative to polyester princess frocks), designed by fashion designer Andrea Rembeck in Sydney. You can find Tutu Du Monde in the online store as well as at stockists in Australia and the US.

Tea Princess

Oh, it’s all lovely crochet, doilies and floral prints at Sydney label Tea Princess. These are clothes for girls who want to be girls. Tea Princess also has a lovely range of Special Occasion pieces for weddings and christenings that are just heavenly. You can buy Tea Princess at the online store and find Tea Princess stockists listed on the website.

A little (a lot) girl-oriented, I know. But I promise to let you know about great design for boys another time. Thank you so much Dottie and Alix for the invitation to drop by Modern Kiddo for a while. It’s been lovely. Please stop by at Bondville (Australian design for Mum, Kids and Home) and Bondville Kids (Australian Kids Fashion) to say Hi,

Steph Bond

PS – all images credited to their respective labels.


What an amazing selection and it makes me want to fly to Australia and meet the masterminds behind these gorg kiddo clothes. And of course to hang out with you, Steph! And a super special thanks to our gal, Ms. Steph from Bondville for rocking out such a great post for us. And we’d love to see what you have up your sleeve as far as Australian Boys companies.  Let’s set a day for that post!  Can’t get enough of Ms. Steph? Well, neither can we–and that is why we stop by Bondville every chance we get and suggest you do the same too!

Winner of the Back to School Giveaway!

Well well well! We have a winner for our first ever back to school giveaway which included great gifts from Parasols Boutique and Mabel’s Labels.

And the winner is: Angie from Working Title!

And thanks to everyone else who participated in the giveaway. But never fear, another great one is coming up next week and I think you’ll all be super excited about it. Whoohoo!!!!