Meet Sasha! Our Weekly Kiddo!

Oh friends, gather round. This special Kiddo update brought to you from glorious PRAGUE! Yesterday was insanity—arriving on 2 hours of sleep I was immediately thrown into the work scene.  I was jet lagged beyond belief, holed up in our hotel for meetings and castings, but still blown away by this lovely city. Today is a new day, I feel refreshed and ready to go! I am sitting in my hotel, enjoying some berries and yogurt with a nice pot of coffee and have something awesome to share with you. Just when I think we’ve seen the cutest kids possible, I get another round of emails from you guys with your amazing kiddos.

Today’s little girl is a super cutie. Her mama Inessa is a wildly talented illustrator and designer and has a fabulous lil blog called Diaper Style Memoirs. Just wait till you see her little two year old daughter, Sasha. Miss Sasha is of Russian descent, which seems appropriate, what with me being here in the Czech Republic. (And Sasha is the diminutive form of Alexandra….so I’m double loving it!) OK….on with the show my friends.

• cherry top from Dupareil au Meme
• striped skirt from Old Navy
• hand-me-down penguin socks
• sandals from See Kai Run
• diy mexican flower hair pin

• Polka dot sammy skirt from Room Seven
• White tank from Gap, mom’s scarf
• Children’s Place tights
• Little Celebrity minnie mouse clip

• floral dress, Room Seven
• hot pink tulle sammy skirt, Room Seven

• in the garden – storybook smock dress from Paper Wings
• pink polka dot leggings from Paper Wings

• black tights
• french bulldog tee
•  stripped sweater by gap
• vintage artist’s red beret

• cherry top from Dupareil au Meme
• diy mexican flower hair pin

• flower dress by Gap
• little peanut apron from Misha Lulu
• oilily socks
• See Kai Run sandals

How adorable is this child??? I am loving how her momma dresses her. The polka dot skirt?? AMAZING. I chatted with Inessa and asked her to tell me alittle bit about Miss Sasha!

“Sasha is a typical 2 year old girl, playful with lots of energy which she needs in order to keep up with her older brother who is 8. Although she looks up to him, she doesn’t allow him to push her aroun! She loves to play dress up and adores shoes. All kinds of shoes. It is usually the first thing she notices about what people are wearing. She loves accessories but hates wearing hats and large bows in her hair. She raids her grandma’s jewelry drawer. Her favorite foods right now are: any kind of cheese, sour cream (which if allowed – she eats by spoonfuls), ice cream and honey. She doesn’t really play with lots of toys. She prefers to run around with her brother and throw the ball around just like him. But she does love her stuffed animals and dolls. She rotates the stuffed friend she sleeps with from day to day. She is usually easy going unless she is not getting what she wants and then — she can throw a mean tantrum.

Sasha loves to read books (turns the pages and blabbers to herself about what she thinks is happening) and adores the shows Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and Handy Manny. Given the opportunity she would watch them all day long! She talks a lot but its difficult to know what she is saying because her vocabulary consists of both English words and Russian. She adores older children who she calls “babies” and absolutely is smitten with her brother’s 11 year old friend who she calls JoJo. She cannot contain her excitement when she sees him — she dances and jumps and sings and does absolutely any trick she can to get his attention. She will never leave his presence before she can give him a kiss even if that means following in his steps for hours with puckered lips saying “JoJo Muah, Muah.”  “

Thank you so much Inessa for sharing this little gorgeous girlie with us! Don’t forget to swing by the Diaper Style Memoirs to see more of Sasha’s sweet little life—as well as Inessa’s great design style!

PS. Do you have a stylish kiddo you’d like to share with our readers? Send photos my way! There are no style rules—we love cute kiddos in vintage, cute kiddos in euro brands and cute kiddo’s in bargain finds from places like Target or Old Navy. We just want to see your fun spin on their style. You can find out more info right here, and then email me at Alix [at] modernkiddo [dot] com. Have a great weekend friends!

Modern Kiddo Chit Chat: An Interview with Rachel from the Small Craft Online Class.

Hurray! I’m super dee duper excited about this first ever online crafting class geared towards making fun stuff for kiddos. It comes to us from everyone’s favorite crafty bloggers, Miss Elsie from A Beautiful Mess and Miss Rachel from Smile and Wave.

The online craft class is called Small Craft and yes, I’ve already signed up and I hope you will too. Because it is going to be oodles and poodles and schnoodles of fun. Yes. THAT. MUCH. FUN. And how could it not be with Elsie and Rachel at the helm? Exactly!

And because by the end of the class you’ll be able to make something as button cute as THIS:

Or, oh-my–word: THIS!

Oh, the delights that await us in the class. There are quite a few amazing projects that the lovely ladies have labored long and hard to share with us. And I’m so glad they did.  Including:  a Mid-Century Modern Fort, cool necktie patterns, a traveling puppet theater, DIY lunchbox, monster bibs, storybook plushies, upcycled dress up chest, and a ton of other cool crafty treats.

So, let’s get to chatting with Rachel, one sassy half of the dynamic duo behind Small Craft. We met for an e-cup of chai at that great online coffee house around the corner—and here’s what the charming and talented Rachel had to say!

DOTTIE: First off, thanks so much for taking time out of your very very busy schedule, Rachel. I just have a few questions, but I’m dyin’ to know–what inspired you lovely ladies to create this online craft class?

RACHEL: Elsie and I have been teaching handmade craft classes for two years now and really wanted our Fall class to feel fresh so we created a class with a kiddo theme that catered to those who want to encourage creativity and stimulate the imaginations of the little ones in their life.  I have two kids and Elsie has two nieces that are getting a lot of fun presents for Christmas this year!

DOTTIE:  What lucky kiddos to have such a craftastic mama and auntie!  I have to admit as a craft junkie, there are sooo many good crafts out there—do you have a favorite?

RACHEL: My favorite kinds of crafts are those that involve ordinary or unexpected materials that have been put together in a new way.  One of the crafts we’re sharing involves building a fort out of PVC pipe and joiners and uses a drop cloth that can be painted, embroidered on, or decorated with fabric.  Both items came from a hardware shop but the end effect is something both versatile in it’s composition and neutral enough to be customized.  Sebastian has been taking ours apart and using the PVC pipe to create his own structures.  I love that he’s having fun and learning about engineering, too!

DOTTIE: Sweet! I think hardware stores of totally craftapaloozas too.  And what a cutie that Sebastion is.  Say, both you and Elsie have very glamorous and full lives–when do you guys find the time to craft?

RACHEL: Crafting is a part of both of our jobs as well as something we love to do so it’s scheduled into our daily or weekly routines just like any other work related task.  However, crafting for personal gratification is a high priority.

DOTTIE: Amen, sister!

RACHEL: We usually feel refreshed and excited after spending a little time making something just for fun and think it helps us stay balanced as individuals.  I’ve been known to let the laundry suffer in order to finish a quilt but most creative women I’ve talked to about the balance of housework and crafting time admit to their own piles.  Free time is rare but instead of plopping on the couch and watching T.V. I like to spend it focused on a new project.  If I didn’t find it so fulfilling I wouldn’t make it a priority.  And my house would be sparkling!

DOTTIE: And quilting is so much more fun than laundry.   I think I would be willing to give up Grey’s Anatomy to finish my quilt. You are my inspiration.  By the way, one of the reasons I am super excited about the class is that you are doing it with your gal pal, Elsie.  Just like me and Alix.  You two clearly have a lot of fun together—any behind the scenes stories you can tell us about creating this class?

RACHEL: We got together one afternoon at Elsie’s new store to shoot our video tutorials and promo video. During one of my tutorials the girls left the building to get coffee next door so I could shoot in silence.  They locked me in so no one would wander in to check things out but there are huge windows spanning about 100 feet across the front of the store and a lot of foot traffic outside.  At one point during my shoot there was a man with his hands and face pressed up against the glass just staring at me.  It was all I could do not to look at him and have to start my tutorial over.  Then I had a fly that kept landing on the art journal I was trying to share.   I would naturally swat at it and have to start over every time.  I’m sure Jeremy, Elsie’s boyfriend, was amused during the editing process when he heard the words that came out of my mouth after the fourth take!

DOTTIE:  Hee hee!!! Pesky flies! I hope to see more outtakes! That sounds like a hoot! But I must wrap this interview up–any last words, Rachel?

RACHEL: We are so thankful to get to work together and have been enjoying the company of Elsie’s sister, Emma, who just moved back to open her cupcake shop inside the new Red Velvet Art store.  This means most business meetings also involve cupcake recipes that she’s testing which also means our next class should be a workout video.  Ha!

DOTTIE:  Tee hee! I’ll sign up for that class too!

Thanks Rachel for doing the interview and just being awesome!

I’m particularly excited about this class because you don’t have to be a wunderkind crafter to join. You just have to be willing to take a leap onto the craft boat and enjoy! No sewing machine–no problem, there are still tons of great crafts to try out for the beginner crafter.

Sign up fast for the last few spots!

I’m heading to Prague and Wolfie is beat boxing.

Hello my friends. Oh. Mah. Gawd. In less than 24 hours this girl is headin’ to PRAGUE. So excited. The good news is, I’m traveling for a work trip (which means we have a posh flight and get to stay in a schmancy hotel) but the bad news is, I will miss my guys terribly.

I have a little ritual when I travel…at night before going to bed I watch little video clips of Wolfie just being his cute, silly self. It’s not as good as giving him big good night smooches and hugs, but it never fails to make me smile.

Here’s wolfie beat boxing. sorta.

A few years ago i was in the kitchen when i heard something coming from the living room. it sounded rhythmic and I couldn’t figure out what it was….and suddenly i had the realization that my boy was trying to beat box. hah! i asked him what he was doing and he said “I making that sound like Biz” (aka Biz Markie on Yo Gabba Gabba). When i asked him to repeat it, he didn’t really do the same beat/melody but its still kinda funny. I’m so happy I have this little moment preserved.

Making little videos of your kiddo is such a great thing. I’m not talkin’ about big honkin’ camera filming an event. I’m talkin’ whip-out-the-camera and spontaneously film a little moment. No major filming. Just something small. A few weeks ago I “interviewed” Wolfie and the results were hilarious. He is 6 and has such funny and interesting opinions on things. I didn’t tell him it was an interview but he was lolling on the couch and I just hit “record” and started asking him questions. I highly recommend it!

Speaking of awesome video, the amazing elementary school students over at New York City’s PS22 are at it again. These kiddos are fabulous. And while it sounds cheesy, listening to the purity of their lil voices and seeing the pride on their faces just makes me crazy happy. If you don’t like this then I say you have a heart made of stone, my friend! This is their rendition of Lady Gaga WHICH RULES. But I also love their versions of Journey’s Don’t Stop Believin’ (BEFORE Glee, thank you very much) Coldplay’s Viva La Vida, and Fleetwood Mac’s Landslide and Forever Young by Alphaville. Their teacher Mr. B is pretty fab.

I’ll still be posting while in Prague, but perhaps a little sporadically. Happy Wednesday.

Back to School Giveaway: Mabel’s Labels and Parasols Boutique!

School bells are ringing and there is that crispness in the air!  Yup–it’s back to school time and we here at Modern Kiddo have a grand double giveaway to celebrate this special time of year.

First up: a $25 gift certificate along with a day bag from Parasols Clothing.  What a perfect way to spruce up your kiddo’s fall wardrobe. Perfect for picture day clothes that will make everyone smile.

Parasols clothing is one of the particularly yummy online shop for kids clothing and other goodies that you end up wanting to buy the store.  They offer a lovely lovely selection of timeless clothes that look as comfy and practical to wear as they are cute.  But what makes me particularly adore Parasols is that the company is dedicated to education and all sales benefit Room to Read, which helps children in the developing world gain the lifelong gift of education.

Along with the gift certificate, Parasols is also offering up a very useful and very cozy corduroy day bag, which is perfect for popping snacks, books and all sorts of thing that kiddos always seem to need at a moments notice.

Second, but equally awesome:  Mabel’s Label’s  Ultimate Back to School Combo label pack.

Now the second part of the giveaway is one of my favorite sites around which I was hipped to by my very smart sister-in-law who has sent her four children to camp as well as back to school with the help of this store: Mabel’s Labels.  I had the honor of meeting one of the founders, Caitlin Madden at the Evo Conference this past June. I’m so impressed with this company that was started by a group of moms who have nurtured this great company to its current success! My favorite product is a toss up between the shoe labels (genius) and the kid safety products, which are so amazing since I know dozens of kids with allergies.

This back to school label combo is a terrific way to start the new school year and guaranteed to save you money in items that would normally be misplaces.  Sticky Labels are dishwasher and microwave safe, Tag Mates™ are washer and dryer safe, and the shoe labels and Teeny Tags™ are waterproof and UV resistant, which is perfect for puddle loving and pool bound kids.

Now, how to get this grand back to school duet of yay!

  1. Leave a comment (natch) and tell us about your favorite back to school memory–your own or your kiddo!
  2. Follow us Google Alerts
  3. Follow us on Twitter, @modernkiddo
  4. If you already follow us on twitter, tweet about this giveaway—don’t forget to include @modernkiddo in the tweet please!
  5. “Like” this on Facebook (see below!)

If you do all five you’ll be entered five times. Woot!

Good luck and the winner will be announced on the site on September 18th, 2010.

And the Winner is…

for the wonderful vintage Fisher Price Little People art by Meredith Steele

Drumroll, please…

Rocket Girl!

Congrats, Jody!

Thanks for sharing your Fisher Price memories–especially regarding the Fisher Price Castle, which I just picked up for the Peach this weekend for FIVE DOLLARS at a garage sale down the street. HOLLAH! One point for Suburbia! I’m checking out Alix’s original vintage Fisher Price post for more shopping inspiration.

And thanks to all of you for entering the giveaway! We have a real peach of a giveaway coming Tuesday, so check out Modern Kiddo tomorrow–same bat time and same bat place.

PS: Never fear–the Vintage Kiddo Retro Round-up will be back next week! We are just celebrating Labor Day today.