Vintage Kiddo Retro Roundup

Oh Monday, I know you are not the most popular day of the week.  People dread you and even the Bangles wrote a song about what a rough day you are. But fret not, friends—I have rounded up a love bouquet of vintage goodness for you all to chase away any Monday moodiness! Hurrah!

This little dress is perfect for a sweet summer day, don’t you agree? And that little ruffle is so on trend, don’t you think?

Great find from Dirty Birdies Vintage!

Speaking of summer, I am head over heels for rompers or jonjons. They are so nice and light and keep the Peach cool on the most sweltering days. And this jaunty sailor romper is a grand one for this summer.

From: Recy.

And RocketGirl hipped me to another fabulous seer sucker one, but I can’t find the link. Miss Jody would you mind posting it? It is so darn cute with a carrot on it.  UPDATE: Found it! Voila!

From the fabulous vintage trunks of Phofer

Jeans and little boys just seem to go together, but it’s nice to mix things up a bit of pattern. Like these sweet plaid pants. Imagine with a pair of converse and a cool Threadless t-shirt.

I like your style Oakmom!

I love these little darling blue leather shoes!  Imagine them with some homemade shoe laces made out of pretty flower  bias tape, eh?

The Peach has a true love of kitties, as many little girls do—so I know this charming little jumper will go fast. It’s KITTYTASTIC!

I’m crazy about this terrific boho embroidered shirt.  It could so easily be dressed up or down–imagine with a great little skirt in a matroyshka print or even just with jeans.

You kill me, Apple Vintage with these great finds!

I don’t know why, but I just can’t say no to some vintage country goodness–like this nice and large size 14 vintage cowboy theme shirt, featuring cati and cowboys.  It’s made out of canvas, so it could be a really cool summer jacket for a boy (or a rather petite lady)…

From the fabulous Stiletto Girl Etsy shop.

If your kiddo loves dinosaurs (and really, what kid doesn’t) this groovy green sweater would be a great buy!  I don’t know what kind of dinosaur this is, but I think itsa kickassasaurus?

Lishyloo, you have done it again. It is taking ALL OF MY ENERGY not to buy this one myself.  Truly, I must love you readers something fierce because this little dress is just too good to be true with a lion tamer on it.  I wonder what the designer was thinking…”Hmmm… instead of doing a lion, I’m going to do a lion tamer…yeah…” And the red piping that just makes me nearly weak in the knees.  Please someone buy it and then post a photo of your little one in it.

From everyone’s favorite LishyLoo!

I think every boy should know how to tie a tie.  Actually, I think every girl should know how to do it too.  But I think these already-tied vintage ties for little boys are quite genius!  Those prints are just shy of spectacular.

From Etsy Shop LillyQueenVintage.

And one last bonus item that is just too good to not post.  And I must say, I picked this out after reading about Birdie’s new glasses.  As a girl who has worn glasses since I was in second grade and as an adult who owns probably a more than a dozen of vintage frames, I think it is never too early to start  mini myopics out there on the right path—with an awesome pair of glasses. Like these from Midstatevintage.

I hope you had a lovely lovely weekend. And remember: THREE. DAY. WEEKEND!!!

Oh, and for any of our new-found fabulous friends from the EVO conference, stay tuned—we are planning a darn-tootin-rip-roaring wrap up some time this week.

Meet Maya! Our Weekly Kiddo

Greetings from Park City, Utah my friends. Wait, what….Utah?? Yup, Dottie and I have hit the road where we are at the fabulous EVO Evolution of Women in Social Media conference. Dottie and I are actually both speaking (on two different panels) and we are so thrilled to be here. Park City is pretty gorgeous and the weather is perfectamundo…..take THAT freezing cold San Francisco summer!! We are having a blast (tons of amazing and inspiring people here) and we’ll give ya a full report on Monday. But today is Friday and that means it’s WEEKLY KIDDO time!

This week we have a special little girl allllll the way from Australia. In fact, she kind of resembles our little Modern Kiddo logo a bit.  Her mum is the wildly talented Kate Vale, of Tea and Jam photography (seriously folks, pop over to their blog and take a look at these pictures!). Little Miss Maya is one of those kids who not only has amazing style but has a colossal personality that just leaps off the page. Her mama tells us that she loves animals, is wildly creative and is a budding musician (it’s true…I’ve seen video of her composing the best New Wave inspired tune on her wee little keyboard!). From her luscious mane of red hair to her mega-watt grin, Maya is truly fabulous. Let’s take a look at the magnificent MAYA and her ecclectic style!

I love this look so much…hot pink tutu with wellies and a big ol’ flower on her lapel? My kinda gal!

Such a sweetheart. I love the mix of stripes with florals.

How cute is this child?? I’m telling you I just want to spend the day with her giggling and making up songs. Thank you so much Kate for sharing this gorgeously spunky girl with us!

As a side note, Kate is the editor of the beautiful new magazine MAEVE, that is taking the blogsphere by storm! If you haven’t read it, YOU MUST! Not only is it gorgeous, but (ahem) I have an article in the first issue! Whoo hoo! It was a huge honor—check out the section “Me and My Bestie” and read about how Dottie and I met. The next issue of MAEVE is in the works, so be sure to subscribe. You can do so on their blog right here.

Dottie’s Kraft Korner: Summer Crafting Tutorial Round Up.

(Image via: Purl)

During these lazy hazy days of summer, you still want to get your craft on of course, but you want to do it quickly so you spend more time lounging in the hammock, bike-riding, grilling, spitting watermelon seeds, going to the beach, running through a sprinkler and just plain old enjoying this sunny funny giggly time of year.

So, I’ve rounded up some of my favorite summer crafty projects that are light, fun, and add to the overall summer fun for you and your little ones. (Hey, that rhymes!)

Summer always reminds me of hours spent making daisy or dandelion chains. Sadly, my little works of art were wilted mush by the next morning.  If only I had this ingenius Hana Ami flower loom and sweet tutorial from the lovely folks at Purl as a kid…  Talk about taking friendship bracelets to the next level! What a perfect little prezzy to tuck into the next care package going out to your kid’s camp.

Let your kiddo be king of queen for a day with this charming crown tutorial from the long thread that could be used to make special birthday crowns as well.  Just think of all of the great pretend play that can happen with such a simple bit of sewing.

Do you have thirty minutes? Well, then you have enough time to make this dress from crafty wunderkind blogger Grosgrain. Imagine it sleeveless for the summer. Heck, I’m sure that would knock off at least 10 minutes. Sweet!

It is never too early to teach your wee one the power of a balanced check book.  So, why not start them off playing “store” in style by making kiddo checks, courtesy of that clever clogs blogger Cathe Holden of Just Something I Made. Perfect summer rainy day game that will keep them busy for at least an hour while you finish the last chapter of your beach paperback.

I must admit that there are a slew of great dress tutorials out there. But what about the boys, eh? Well, they deserve their own cup of crafty awesomeness! Like this great tutorial on how to turn a t-shirt into a pair of toddler pants that was featured and done by those clever ladies over at  Rookie Mom.

Oh, summer crafting. I can’t wait for that three day weekend in July and the Peach to settle down for a long baby nap. Aaahhh, let the sewing begin!

What do you plan on making?

Threadless Kids luv

Threadless has always been one of the coolest site’s around for getting rockin’ tees—designers submit illustrations and then the community votes for their favorite designs and the top picks are produced each week. It’s an endless rotation of cool, fun, graphic shirts. Sooooo you can imagine how deeeelighted I was when I discovered the sassy spawn of Threadless: Threadless Kids. If you are lucky enough to live in Wicker Park, Chicago you can hit their actual store front, but for the rest of us we’ll have to shop online. And great news, they’re having a HUGE SALE and all onesies, tees and hoodsies (a onesie with a hood, doncha know!) are $9 clams. YEOWZA! Methinks we’re gonna have some totally groovy arty bebe’s out there after this post!

There are TONS more styles (and they have sizes up to 6-8 for bigger kiddos) so swing by Threadless Kids to check ’em out!

UPDATE: Thanks to our sweet reader Esther who reminded me that Threadless tees run SMALLLLL. I would recommend sizing up just to be safe!

Koo Koo for Cuckoonest!

You thought New Zealand couldn’t get any more awesome after the hobbit invasion?

HAH! Hardly! Let me introduce you to Cuckoonest.

What is Cuckoonest, you ask?

Well,  Cuckoonest is the creation of Kim Edwards, a gal who I have never met, but I think we must have a lot in common.

– A love of felt. Check.

– Perfectionist nature. Check and check!

– And a good sense of humor. Checkety check CHECK!

According to Internet lore, Ms. Edwards “spends many hours creating a range of beautiful, handcrafted play and decor items. After her first child was born, Kim began sewing with the help of her sister, and 10 years later they have it down to a fine art. The whimsical world of Cuckoonest brings delight to both young and young at heart, with a collection of items which is sure to be treasured by all who own them.”

You may know her for her wonderous deer heads, yes?

But I fell in love with her for her cuckoo clocks. Really, what is not to love?

And then I bow down to her for her little Red Riding Hood felt house. Oh my!

Sadly, I can’t find her hand crafted goodies Stateside, but oh you lucky Brits. You can find her goodies (when they are not sold out…) at Peanut and Pip, or in Australia at Lark Handmade.

But until I find you, I will enjoy you online, Kim.  Sigh.