Vintage Kiddo :: Coin Operated Rides

Image: Greenkozi

I loved shopping with my Mom when I was a little girl. Not for the ride in the cart or the ability to “accidentally” grab a box of Cookie Crisp. Oh no.  It was the hope that I could get a ride on one of these sweet treats.

Of course the most popular were the ponies and horses—a little flirt reminder of merry go rounds.

Images: PigRock, AnnieBee, eclectica miami


Of course horse is a horse of cours of course but what about a ride on other animals that aren’t necessarily known to carry humans.

Like a snail. Or pelican.

Images: Javier Agredo

or a goose or a cat…

Image: Bumblesweet

I can’t help but love this pink elephant.

Image: AnnieBee

Tops hats are perfect for giraffes, aren’t they? Who wouldn’t love to see that outside of Red Owl Supermarket?

Image:  AnnieBee

Even sea creatures were not off limits to encourage a child’s inner aquaman (or aqualady).

Image: Drumthwacket

Clearly taxi and cop cars were popular choices as well.

Image: NYC Comets

Cars are so much fun.  Which to chose? Race car or race car with Spiderman?

Image: BrechtBug, Kiddie Rides USA

But why limit your transportation to earth when you could blast off from Safeway in one of these beauties.

Images: Kiddie Rides USA

And then just some odd choices.

Hmmm… I never would have thought about taking a ride on Papa Smurf.

Iamge: Oerenhard1

Or a vintage Communist child?

Image: AgentYellow

These images are just a small small peek into Flickr’s photo pool, Just One More Ride Pleeeeze. I assure you, it will take you back.  Did you have a favorite growing up as a child?

Vintage Kiddo: Retro Roundup

Goooooooood Monday lil buckaroos! How was your weekend? We had a really nice and relaxing one. We had some out of town friends visiting, Wolfie had his final t-ball game and then we all went and saw Toy Story 3—it was awesome! Kind of a love letter to all Toy Story fans….we really loved it. We saw it at the historic Grand Lake theater in Oakland, CA, which is SO cool and has this great organist who plays before the show. It was fun to see so many adults in the theater as well as kiddos—proof that those genius Pixar peeps know how to tell a grand story that transcends all ages.  GO BUZZ! GO WOODY! Have you seen it? What didja think? The first two movies are among my top fave Pixar movies, I have to say. Followed by Nemo. OK, I’m gettin’ chatty here….ya’ll want vintage clothing? We have it!

For those of you new to Vintage Kiddo Mondays, we take a look at some fun and funky vintage items that will help you keep your child’s wardrobe stylish AND sustainable! The key to wearing vintage for kiddos is to mix and match with modern pieces. A future post is in the works for our Top Style Tips for wearing vintage (kiddo style), but until then, on with the show!

SHAZAAM! Hey, what more can I say. This is adorable…. But can we please talk about the chattering teeth on the counter having a talk with that owl??

From eBay seller: robotparade4kids

This little dressie is the bees knees and is from one of our delicious sponsors, Three Ring Circus Vintage! As an aside she has some CUTE vintage baby announcements in the shop ya’ll (for boys and girls) so head on over and see!

From our sweet friends at 3RingVintage

It’s REVENGE OF THE ROPER!!! We had one of these awesome jumpsuits a few months ago, and this one (which is deadstock vintage, aka NEVER WORN!) is really cute. As an aside, I should acknowledge that technically it’s a Mr. Furley (Don Knott’s character on Three’s Company) who wore the jumpsuit/cravat but its just kind of more fun to say The Roper!

From: eBay Seller CasualWays

This little onesie is great for tucking into a skirt of pinafore. The stripey/polkadot action is sooo indie cool.

McEnroe, eat yer heart out….this Lacoste tennis onesie is posh and Hamptons ready.

From ebay seller niceguy8508

The Health-tex logo was always so cute and iconic to me…..this deadstock item has little kitty/flower ginham shorts and a matching tee. Whoo hoo!

Etsy seller: racracandbuttons

Oh matching dress and coat ensemble, how I love ya.  Greta because the coat would look swell all by its lonesome.

eBay seller lovelove88

Yer kiddo will look cracker jack in this smart lil sailor outfit.

Etsy Seller Fun with Puns

These little sassy overalls get a girlish twist with the ruffle strappies. Mmmmm. Ruffles.

From Our Lady of Vintage, LishyLooVintage

I’ve never seen a 60s indie boy mod sweater in ONESIE form…..and yet here we are:

From our pal,  Etsy seller: Oh Sydney

And we end with ……Truman! Alas, the young lad is not up for grabs with the hat, but look how fetching this little heartbreaker is in his patchwork sunhat. Adorable on boys or girls. Oh Truman, how we love ya.

Yes, of course. From his stylish mama over at LishyLoo Vintage

Ahhhh, I always love looking at these sassy duds, don’t you? That’s it for today. Stick around because Le Dottie has some more fun vintage goodies up her sleeve for later this afternoon! Oh and say, if you ever have a hot tip (vintage, modern, fab sale, cool item you scored at Target or Gap, insanely awesome boutique clothing or even just a question……EMAIL US! We love to hear from you and are always on the prowl for new cool posts!)

Meet Sayer! Our Weekly Kiddo.

Believe it or not, I’ve never actually met most of the Weekly Kiddos we feature. I think I’ve met, hmmmm, two? Yup. Wolfie and Georgia! (My little sweetie and Dottie’s adorable girlie.) But that’s what makes this feature so much fun—the never ending stream of crazy cute kiddos that appear in my In Box. This week’s lil man is especially fun for me because he belongs to a sweet new bloggie friend. I “met” Kristin back when we were launching Modern Kiddo. Dottie and I were smitten with her shop, klt:works and thought she was sooo talented. As we began to chat I discovered she was also totally sweet, cool and fun AND she was a mama! Her little guy is an awesome little two and half year old named Sayer and he’s our Weekly Kiddo! Lemme tell ya he’s a cutie:

I love this red and white stripey shirt with blue jeans. From our pals at Polarn O. Pyret.

I love that groovy graphic tee Sayer’s sportin’! Those little buses are kee-yoot! It’s also from Polarn O. Pyret!

Sayer loungin’ on all of mama’s rad vintage fabrics.  (Dottie is drooling over them, to be sure! hee)
The grey thermal is from Alternative Apparel.

Look WHOO WHOO is wearing a charming klt:works owl tee designed by his mama??

This Fore! Axel & Hudson fedora is killing me…..the littlest minstrel with his ukulele! The groovy button up shirt is from Old Navy.

I love Sayer’s caps….totally adorable! This pub cap is from Knuckleheads. (The kitty tee is klt:works, of course!)

Hee hee. Nooooooo Sayer isn’t named for Leo Sayer…..he’s named after artist/photographer Richard Sayer (a good family friend!) but this picture cracked me up!

So Mr. Sayer is a well rounded cutie. He loves music, especially Dan Zanes, Louis Armstrong and lots of Yo Gabba Gabba hits (like Biz Markie, Cornelius and the Aquabats). He’s gotten quite good at the harmonica and also fiddles around on the drums, guitar, and tambourine! Like all red-blooded lads, Sayer is a lover of trains (THOMAS!) and has a penchant for fire engines and garbage trucks.

His mama tells us that Sayer is a big cuddle bug and he loooves to work with her in the studio, where he is an excellent advisor and helper when it comes to organizing her  thread. When snack time rolls around he loves smoothies, Jamba Juice (carrot and orange….hey Sayer, that’s one of my faves too!), yogurt & granola, green grapes and applesauce. Wolfie was extremely pleased to hear Sayer loves tortilla chips and “everything” bagels with cream cheese! He also just got a baby skateboard (RAD!) and loves it—watching the instructional video about 25 times. Hee. Aw yes, safety before shredding, Sayer. I approve! Kristin, thank you so much for sharing this adorable lil man with us!

Sweet and Sour: Two Fun Styles in One Tasty Little Post.

Today I have a little mix-n-match for you. I love looking at handmade pretties for children but then there is a part of me that gets totally inspired by the slightly trendier, high-fashion boutique lines. Soooooo, why not look at both? Presenting, A Little Bit Country….A Little Bit Rock-n-Roll. First up:

Do you Kinchi? Ooooh but you should! The fabulous Mirjam is the genius behind this adorable line. Mirjam lives in the Netherlands and her style is both seriously cool and totally sustainable. Each charming little garment incorporates vintage fabric, tea towels and the like for a one-of-a-kind treat. We at Modern Kiddo are big fans of using old textiles to create sassy new garments!

I first “met” Mirjam as a Flickr friend where I was transfixed by her adorable photos of her little girl in handmade gorgeousness. One day she posted photos of her garden and I commented on some beautiful holly hock flowers. One thing led to another and next thing I knew, I received a little packet of hollyhock seeds in the mail—straight from her garden! Take a look at these beautiful photos and then head over to the
Kinchi Etsy shop to scoop up these goodies for yourself.

You like??? Oh I KNEW you would. The 1966 Dish Towel Dress is officially BANANARAMA. OK, now lets switch gears and take a little at something totally different but equally cool.

Finger in the Nose was started by Siv-Tone Kverneland, a talented Norwegian living in Paris. She calls her style, “a mouth watering and eclectic combination of French chic and Scandinavian cool” Sounds good to me! Inspired by her little daughter Selma, she wanted to create wonderful clothes that children would fall in love with and mothers would be jealous of. I think she’s off to a great start.

Finger in the Nose is the ultimate hipster clothing line…I’m usually more a fan of kid’s dressing like kids and not like little grown ups but this line is pretty damn cute. The collection is influenced by eighties L.A. (hot!) and was designed to be fashionable but durable. I especially love the boy’s clothes and think they would be great on a slightly older kiddos—with a penchant for struttin’ like a rock star….

These kids are so rockin’, I love ’em. The skinny plaid stove pipe pants above are totally cool….and I love the boy’s in their rad jackets. They just need a micro Vespa like the one I saw at the flea market a few years ago.

So what are you feeling? A Little Bit Country or A Little Bit Rock? I think a healthy mix of both is just what the fashion doctor ordered.