Hot Dog! It’s the Vintage Kiddo Retro Round Up!

Well, well, well! Happy end of August to you! I hope you managed to get outside to enjoy the last sweet sips of summer before the school bell rings. How crazy is it that we are on the edge of September and everyone with a moppet over the age of five has been thinking about back to school wardrobes.  Well, let’s add a little vintage whimsy into the mix to help your kiddo stand out amongst the sea of Gap/Target/Old Navy fashions they’ll see in the bus line. Not that we don’t LOVE and shop with a zealot passion from the Gap/Target/Old Navy but it is so much fun to mix and match clothes from all eras to reflect your little one’s personality.

Check out this duet of wonderful print shirts. What a great addition to any boys little fall wardrobe! From eBay seller JimJac.

What is more perfect for returning to school with an apple red cardi with sweet little accents on the collar.  And how sweet that it is a girls size large too. From Etsy, Leafpeople Vintage.

Now, it wouldn’t be back to school season without going a little mad for plaid.  I have a very special place in my heart for little girls in little plaid dresses. And I have a trio of such goodies to share with you all!

Like this little harvest gold plaid dressie with smocking and lace to boot! From Etsy seller, PiratesB00ty.

Or would you prefer your other vintage sixties mad for plaid faux jumper tunic with a lovely butterfly collar? Once again in the ever so elusive size 7. From our friends at Our Retro Toybox.

Or go pure old skool with this perfect plaid bit of cuteness.  Check out the sweet little plaid piping detail. Just stunning, eh?  And the bid starts at just under $10.00.  All that detail for such a small price. From ebay seller, Paddywacks Vintage.

But we can’t leave the boys out.  Check out this charming little plaid coat for gents.  What mama wouldn’t be proud to send her little guy to his first day of school in this sharp looking coat. From the very glamourous Etsy seller, StilettoGirl.

I myself love a good matching combo. So, when I saw this charming dress and coat set, I nearly plotzed with joy.  It is the perfect thing to wear for a little woodland romp in October or November, doncha think?

Perhaps your little guy is more of a t-shirt kind of guy.  Perhaps he could meet his teachers in this styling poly t-shirt friend from Sears. From Etsy seller, Aesthetikara.

Although babies aren’t going back to school, they still deserve something cute–like these widdle felt cowboy booties in rip roaring red.  With buckle, natch. From ebay seller forgetmenot.

E is for Extra button cute as well as elephant.  And you can get your little one’s extra cuteness on with this saucy romper. From Etsy seller,  FuzzyMama!

I did a lengthy lunchbox search for something fabulous.  Oh, the treasures I saw.  Yes, there was the Duke of Hazzard’s lunch box. The Alf lunch box. Even the Campus Queen lunch box.  But I’d never seen this gem before from Etsy seller, Aquanetta.

I wouldn’t mind doing dishes either if I had a fancy black poodle wearing bows on his head by my side to help dry the dishes.

Happy Monday, duckies! May the day fly by with fun and giggles!

Meet Poppy! Our Weekly Kiddo.

I’m so excited for today’s post because we have very special International Kiddo! Her name is Poppy and she lives allllll the way in Sydney, Australia. She’ll be turning 4 in a few short months and is a total doll. Her mama is the awesome Kellie from the popular blog, Mini Must Have and just like mama, Miss Poppy has a fabulous sense of style.

+ Adorable pinafore dress from Australian Bluebird and Honey

+ Retro swirls dress from Australian label Oobi

+ Graphic hoodie from New Zealand label Minti
+ Deep Denim skirt from Sooda Room
+ Puma high tops

+ Tutu and hoodie from Cotton On Kids

+ Dress is the Missie Munster dress from  Australian label Munster Kids

+ Red dress from Australian label Infancy
+ Levi’s denim jacket
+ Adidas sneakers

+ Sweet pink dress from Australian brand Rock Your Baby

Ooooh weeee, what a cute lil lady this one is! Check out that sweet smile. This sassy little minx loves colouring, riding her scooter, playing hide and seek, as well as memory games and “snakes and ladders” (Says Kellie, “she cheats!!” haha). She also loves to eat and is helping out in the kitchen cooking. We chatted with her mama who told us this:

“Poppy is definitely a girly-girl! She loves wearing dresses and skirts and would choose style over comfort any day. Her favourite colour is pink (can you tell?!!) and she has an opinion on anything and everything that she wears. Her all-time favourite piece of clothing is her ballet tutu. She’d wear it if she were allowed!”

I’m loving that tutu and I looooove her little sneaks! (er, or should we be calling them “trainers”??) Thank you so much Kellie for sharing your beautiful little lady with us. HAPPY FRIDAY everyone!

Quick Cookin' With Shutterbean: Mexican Pizza

Hey everyone! Today we have another special post from our favorite food expert—Tracy from Shutterbean! The thing I love best about her recipes (besides the totally nom-worthy photos that have me salivating at my computer….) are how quick-n-easy they are. Perfect for busy families or just people on the go-go! Tracy is a regular over here at Modern Kiddo and we are always thrilled when she stops by. In fact, we’re so thrilled that we gave her her own fancy Pilgrim-approved logo! (So adorable Pilgrim!) OK Tracy, let’s get this show on the road! xoxo Alix

Hi everyone, it’s Tracy here. So here’s a little recipe that’s now a staple in my arsenal of family-friendly foods: Southwestern Pizzas!

It makes the boys in my life SUPER happy when I bring these to the table. This dish includes all the yummy things that my little guy Cooper loves— red peppers, black beans, cheese and tortillas! But I gotta say it also tastes super great with loads of hot sauce, cilantro and sour cream on top. The best part is that it comes together in NO time!! The recipe is also pretty adaptable. Take away stuff you don’t like—add stuff you do! What’s involved? Take a look!

Take a tortilla and spread your favorite salsa on top.

Top with sliced red peppers & beans!

Finish with shredded cheese & green onions. Pop them on a cookie sheet and put them in the oven!

Cut them up with a pizza cutter and dig in!!!

Say Adiós!!! Cuz they’ll be gone in no time!!!

Southwestern Pizzas (recipe adapted from Family Circle Magazine)

1 red bell pepper, thinly sliced
4 flour tortillas (whole wheat works well too)
1 15 oz.can black beans, drained & rinsed
2 cups shredded cheese (or more if you love cheese!)
2 green onions, finely chopped
1 cup favorite salsa
cilantro (optional topping)
4 tablespoons sour cream (optional topping)

1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Take a tortilla and spread a few spoonfuls of salsa on top. Top tortilla with peppers, black beans and finish with the shredded cheese& green onions. Repeat process with the remaining tortillas.

2. Put pizzas on a cookie sheet (2 per sheet) and bake for 12-15 minutes until browned and crispy. Top each pizza with cilantro and a tablespoon of sour cream and chow down!

***I baked 2 pizzas at a time because I didn’t feel like cleaning two cookie sheets! ***

Thanks for stopping by! Don’t forget to swing by Shutterbean for more yummy recipes. I’ll be back again soon with more Quick Cookin’!

Say CHEESE! Vintage School Photos Have Style.

Greetings friends! I’m back from a wee, sunny vacation and can I just tell ya that I feel soooo refreshed. Greg, Wolfie and I hit the Tiki Oasis weekender down in San Digeo and it was a totally needed little spoonful of awesome sauce. My friend sweet friend Doe and her hubs Otto throw one heckuva party, you’ll die when you see how fab it was! I took a zillion photos and can’t wait to share them all with you (I went crazy on the photos—I think I took over 400!!!!) so it will take me a day or two to sort through ’em all. The weekend was all about sun, fun, retro fashions, mai tais, great music and lots of family-friendly action down at the pool. Wolfie was even in a little fashion show for my friend Stephanie, of The Pineapple Princess Shop. Hilariously adorable.

In the mean time, can we West Coasters just brag for a moment? HOUSTON, WE HAVE SUMMER!!!!!!!!! Of course San Francisco had to be fashionably late, but we are *finally* experiencing what you all have been yackin’ about all summer long. HEAT. People, we are actually in the midst of a heat wave, propa. It was 98 degrees in downtown SF, which is UNHEARD OF.

So beside marveling at the hot hot weather, I’ve totally got school on my brain. School starts August 30 out here, and I can’t believe my little guy is going to be a first grader. I know some of you are already in the throes of a new school and others are gearing up for everything. I thought it would be fun to take a look at some classic Classroom Photos. I am obsessed with these, I think they are so cool. You just want to know the stories behind all these sassy little kiddos! Make sure you check out all the great fashions goin’ on…..

This first one is Mrs. Cliett’s Third Grade class, Shiver Elementary, 1963-64, Cairo, Georgia. Mrs. Cliett looks about a million years old, but I love her prim grey suit! You know she was the kid of crankster who rapped her ruler on yer knuckles.

image: janet sumner
Best Fashions: bottom row, red polka dot dress and cat eye glasses. yeah! also, a handsome row of lads on the top there..

This next one is also adorable. Grade 1 and 2 at Gray’s Lake Elementary, 1955. A whole lotta plaid going on.

image: takomabibelot.

On to the 70s….and COLOR, COLOR, COLOR. Mrs. Fujita’s Grade 1 & 2 class at Haskell Elementary in 1977.

image: C-Monster
Best Fashions: where to start? bottom row, love the two pinafore girls but hellllo jumpsuit on the end! Please note how teensy Mrs. Haskell is on the end there behind THE JUMPSUIT. Also, middle row, middle girl with huge bow is awesome, but the the two guys on the top row ends (far left, denim vest and far right…little bad ass stance) rule.

Next, Eisenhower School Kindergarten class 1973, Fergus Falls Minnesota. Dig that crazy teacher’s suit. WHOO, WHOOO is wearing an owl pendant? Why yes I do believe it’s Mrs. Teacher Lady.

image: Precious Kitty Kat
Best Fashions: the two kids with the spex are amazing, but BOTTOM ROW WINS! red, white blue dressie and tights, FOUR cute pants set, a boy with tie…..and a crochet vest on the end. The owner of this photo is the adorable girl on top in red and white!

Miss Michelle Frenette’s First Grade Class at Eisenhower Elementary School, 1974, Fergus Falls Minnesota.

image: Precious Kitty Kat.
Best Fashions: Love the middle row boys on the end (baby Joey Lawrence Bowl Cut on the left and cutie cowby on the right) but again the bottom row takes it. This time with the Plaid-O-Rama pants suit, plaid maxi skirt, the baby blue maxi dress, boy with tie AND yellow pants suit with photo of a water fall on it. Huzzah! Feeling badly for girl in sweatshirt. I bet her mom forgot it was picture day. Also, i think that’s the same kid in the tie as above…. love Miss Frenette’s jaunty neck scarf too.

Mrs. Amundson’s Second Grade Class at Eisenhower Elementary School, 1975, Fergus Falls Minnesota.

image: Precious Kitty Kat.

I love this photo from a primary school in Scotland. But uh oh, someone wore their jumper/ski sweater instead of regulation ties. Minus ten points Gryffindor!

image: joevl, Catrine Primary School, 1970s.

This is perhaps my favorite. Such a bunch of cuties. The boy’s all look like *such* rascals.

image: joevl, Catrine Primary School, Scotland, 1970s.

Miss Davis’ first grade class at Northside Grammar School, 1961. Hmm. “Miss” Davis is looking a little long in the tooth…

Check out the groovy Miss Groob’s Third Grade Class at Sheridan Elementary School, 1973-74 in Ohio.

image: brian glass

Mrs. Alford’s  kindergarten class at Spring Shadows Elementary, 1971-72.

Oh 70s, how we love ya. This whole class wins Best Dressed.  Front row snazzers, Cindy Brady on the end, two pairs of gogo boots, little boy in purple on top left….and especially Mrs. Alford’s crazy zig zag poly dress!

Mrs. Thren’s fourth grade class at Landisville Elementary in Hempfield, Pennsylvania. 1974-75.

image: brechtbug
Best Fashions: All the kids are swell, but helllllo gams! Check out those minis on the teachers!

Let’s take a little jaunt across the pond and check out some the “Preschool” (aka Kindergarten) class at the Princes Marijke School in Nieuw-Vennep, The Netherlands. 1974. LOVE all the colorful clothing.

image: christiaanV
Best Fashions: how could I pick?? But the little guy RECLINING is kind of brilliant.

Here’s the same school the next year in 1975, First Grade Class:

image: christiaanV

And finally, we head back to the states to Houston, Texas. This is Mrs. Dahlem’s First Grade Class Spring Shadows Elementary, 1972-73

image: Rowland Kodachrome
Best Fashions: These guys win BEST SHOES all around. Gogo boots, mod little saddle shoes, and even t-straps on Mrs. Dahlem. Little girl on the top right is kind of fabulous, with her jaunty scarf!

Let’s see how Miss Lamoreaux’s class at Spring Shadows Elementary holds up. This is from 1974-75.

image: Rowland Kodachrome

And finally, Mrs. Harper’s Second Grade Class, Spring Shadows Elementary, 1973-74.

image: Rowland Kodachrome

How fun are those? I wish they still did group photos. Wolfie’s school does a Classroom picture but it’s made up of all the little photos from the kids. Somehow it’s not the same as everyone sittin’ all proper on their little benches.

Lawdy, I wish you could see me right now. It’s late at night and as I peruse all these cool old vintage photos I’m realizing I’m totally clammy from the heat of our house that was baking in the sun all day. This is taking Sweatin’ to the Oldies to a whole new level. Hewwww.

Back to School with Elias & Grace

Finally San Francisco took a look at its calendar and realized it is summer. And cranked the heat up. Into the nineties.  The NINETIES, people. Which is just lovely, but not when I’m seeing all of these yummy plaids, and layers and scarfs and dreaming of sharpened pencils and new lunchboxes. And the delicious new Fall clothing line from Elias & Grace.

Now, I’m new to this wonderful company, but it seems all sorts of fancy pants people have been shopping there for years finding all sorts of goodies for their kiddos. Like Jude Law, Mrs. Jamie Oliver, and Kate Moss. But hey, better late than never because hoo boy, they got quite a load of grand clothes for fall.

For boys.

And for girls.

And oh dear. They’ve got a baby line.  Drat it!

Good inspiration, yes?