Real Life :: Summer Flashback at Tiki Oasis

Hey good lookin’, whatcha got cookin’ this summer?? Wolfie is at summer camps while Greg and I are busy with work, but we always try and take a trip or two: a visit to the grandparents and then something a little more local. One of the things we’re looking forward to in August is Tiki Oasis. If you’ve never been, you must! It’s a sun and fun-filled weekender down in San Diego celebrating the magic of classic 50s/60s Tiki culture. Hosted by premier Tiki expert Otto von Stroheim and his ultra lovely wife Doe (who happens to be one of my bestest pals!) it’s truly a super cool experience. For one crazy weekend they take over the historic Hanalei hotel and fill it with amazing bands, DJs, dancers, loads of tiki mugs brimming with tasty cocktails and unique symposiums on the history of tiki.

Greg, Wolfie and I hit the Tiki extravaganza two years ago and it was the ultimate in hip family fun. By day you could lounge poolside to the soothing tunes of exotica bands and DJs spinning vintage vinyl—OR you could check out the bazaar of fun goodies for sale. Because it’s in San Diego you can even sneak away to things like the San Diego Zoo or Lego Land.

The main reason we went last time was because I was performing with The Devil-Ettes. All my girlies came down and we had a total blast. Here’s me and some of my perty pals:

Aww, just look how little Wolfie was!  He’s making this hilarious expression he does sometimes in photos where his eye brows go up and he looks a teensy bit crazy. You know, in a cute way. I guess I shouldn’t talk. I look kind of crazy too. Let’s focus on my outfit instead, mmmkay??

Last year I was unable to go, but my adorable friend Stephanie went and took tons of photos. She has started a children’s clothing line called Pineapple Princess and makes the most fabulous little rompers out of vintage barkcloth. We’ll be profiling her soon. I think Wolfie is going to get to model some of her boy’s clothes this year!

One of my favorite things about the weekend were the fine vintage tiki fashions that most everyone was sporting. So colorful and fun!

It really is fun for all ages—there were loads of kids, and Wolfie was able to dance and enjoy the music that started at dusk (including seeing mama and The Devil-Ettes dance). Once the sun went down,  the party kicked into high gear with bands and other live performances.

OK. I know it looks like it’s midnight and I’m boozin’ and carousin’ while my kiddo is still up. Pinkie swear this wasn’t the case!  I think it’s around 7:30 or 8:00 in this picture. Greg was kind enough to let me stay out with the ladies while he put Wolfie to bed. The show stopped around 10:00, but the party went on all night for those singletons who were up for it (not to mention the after hours “room crawl” featuring different tropical libations!) Mama Alix was deep asleep by this time, folks. I’m a total light weight.

By the way, this is the gorgeous Doe and her handsome hubs Otto, the master minds behind all this genius:

There are still a handful of tickets left if you don’t have plans this August! Check out the Tiki Oasis site or Flickr group for even more awesome photos and think about booking yerself a room. I guarantee it will be a weekend you won’t forget!

Images: My own, Stephanie’s, Tiki Oasis, Jim Fereirra

Peach Down

I’m so sorry, but I’m going to have to bow out of today’s craft post.

I’ve heard it’s pretty typical for kids to get sick at the most inopportune times, so I should have known something was going to happen since I was going into the busiest week of the year.

The Peach is down with a rotten case of the stomach flu so this week is just turning into a bit of a wash for me post-wise, but I promise some rocking posts next week.

Thanks and stay healthy!

Kiddo Birthdays: The Enchanted Fairy Forest

OK. I know it’s Widdle Wednesday, where we usually talk about those sassy lil pip squeaks a year and under—but when my pal Alisha sent me this 3 year-old’s birthday party, I thought it was so fantastic I just had to share.

Kelle Hampton is a fantastic photographer with a really lovely blog, Enjoying the Small Things. She is also mama to two beautiful little girls (Lainey and Nella) and boy does this lady know how to throw a party! When sweet Lainey turned three years old, Kelle created a completely special little Fairy party that will just make ya grin from ear to ear. Let’s take a look!

Kelle tells us:

“We ate in the woods. There was a glitter path (fairy dust, of course) leading the littles to a clearing among trees and pink tissue flowers, hanging fairies and pine cones and there, in the midst, sat a flowery table of pink just waiting for their smiles. Oh, I loved watching them arrive…finding their lunches, making their seat selections. And we mamas stood by aching from smiles taking it in…our sweet fairy littles.”

How amazing is that? But it gets better. The girls then discovered they each had their very own fairy tutu pinned to a charming clothesline. The little boys weren’t left out, they each received a little Peter Pan style hat.

Each child could paint their own Fairy House or fill a glass bottle with magical, glittery fairy dust.

Of course there were lots of sweet fairy treats for everyone to eat and cool Pink Pixie Potion to drink. Mmmm.

Look how gorgeous mama Kelle is?? This mommy and daughter photo is my favorite—so sweet.

Hurray for birthday girl Lainey! This party had so many lovely details but I think my favorite is that special element of surprise Kelle added with the glitter trail leading to the hidden forest table. What a great detail! I can only imagine the looks of awe and wonder on the faces of these little girls as they discovered the magical table. Thank you so much Kelle for giving us this fantastic peek into your beautiful little girl’s amazing day! To see even *more* photos, please visit Enjoying the Small Things.

Winner: Draw Pilgrim Giveaway.

Ms. Pilgrim has selected a winner out of an online hat and the lucky person is:


So darling Suzette, do be a dear and email us so we can hug and kiss you and get you this wonderful wonderful giftie from our gal, Pilgrim.   HooRAH!

Thanks, my lovlies and I hope to have another giveaway for next week with two goodies to give away, so crossing fingers and luck be a lady for all of us!


PS: And thanks for letting me scurry by with quickie posts and I promise a fun Comic-Con inspired posts for next week.

I dropped my basket.

Friends, it’s been a day.

Alix and I love our cozy little nook of the Web that we’ve decorated with tremendous love and care, but sometimes we get a bit busy and work has that naughty habit of sneaking up from behind and demanding our full attention. And the Peach needs a cuddle.

I’m going to be working from sunny San Diego all next week and will be up to my eyeballs in stormtroopers and vampires.   I will try my gosh darndest to keep posting sassy bits of retro kiddo fashion and fun over the next two weeks.   So please bear with me if my posts are shorter than normal.  And who knows maybe I’ll do a real life post from the bowels of Comic-Con.

Thanks y’all! And there will be another post later today announcing the winner of the Draw Pilgrim giveaway, so please come back because that lucky winner might just be you! Whoohoo!